Crying game pt4

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"Y/n you'll be okay, it will okay trust me you'll be fine. It's going to help you" "it's hell Michael you know this you've been through it" "yeah I know but look I'm happy now" "I don't want to go this" "you have to" "I know" "look when you get back I'll be here waiting for you, look I love you" "I love you too" Michael is my everything, he's all I have. I hope he's still here when I get out...

"Y/n there ready for you" the doctor says. Fuck... I hug Michael really tight and close one last time. "You'll do amazing baby girl, remember I love you" "I love you too" I let go and kiss him on the cheek and follow the doctor. We take the elevator down to the very last floor, ground floor. So creepy down here. Lights twitching. I don't know about this anymore. I have to do this not just for myself but for Michael.....

Day 1:
They strapped me down to the bed and gave me the first thing of medicine. Which was a green and purple pill then a shot of yellow liquid stuff. It hurt like hell. They said it will make me fall asleep and then in a few hours I'll wake up and they will let me out of being tied up. Im dreading thisssssss. There I go....

Few hours later...
Puke everywhere. Gross. This hurts so bad. They don't joke when they say clean your insides out...

Day 2:
Still puking. It's so gross. But finally I stop and they have a tooth brush ready for me. I start brushing my teeth and grrrr I'm so angry right now! I get done and throw my tooth brush at the wall. They have all kinds of stuff set up In here. A punching bag. They know so much a lot this drug it's crazy. I start hitting the bag over and over. Gahhhh why am I so angry! Oh yeah it's a drug thing....

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