Baby shower pt1

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You are 2 weeks from your due date and you can't be any happier! You found out that you are having Twins! Boy and girl! You've always wanted twins! You couldn't believe it! You are currently at home getting ready and you haven't seen Michael since breakfast. Which worries you. You text him and ask him where he is and he says "babe I'll be there in time to pick u up don't worry"....

It's time for Michael to pick up, your fixing your hair when you footsteps. "Babe are you ready" you hear and turn to see Michael smiling at you in the doorway of the bathroom. "Almost" "okay babe, you look cute baby" "awe thanks baby" you say and go kiss him on the cheek. "Here babe let me get the back" "okay " you say and hand him the curler. Your curling your hair and Michael finished it. He finished and puts it away and grabs your phone. He puts his left hand on your stomach and head on your right shoulder while taking a selfie of you 2.💘💝so cute!!! Anyways he post it on Twitter "@ michael5sos : me and my babies getting ready for the shower can't wait to show her what I did💘!" So cute😍💘 anyways we make sure we have everything and get in the car and head to the baby shower.💝👼🏼👶🏼 #babyclifford! We get to the place and Michael opens my door for me and we walk in hand in hand and we walk in 😨omg it looks fucking amazing! "Babe you didn't!" "I did" it looks so amazing! Everyone is here! My mom, sister, dad, cousin (who happens to be the one and only Ashton Irwin) hehe this is amazing! I go great everyone and see who all came this is so amazing! I still can't believe how good Michael did decorating this place. There Is an equal amount of tables and there is 1 purple! And it say for "mr and mrs Clifford" our table yay! We all talk and finally we get to open the presents. We open a big box which is of diapers filled all in it. "Awe there different colors!" Girl colors for our baby girl and baby boy colors for our little baby boy😍 so cute! I open up a few more then I see a breast pump omg! You could see Michael's face😂 he looks at me with a smirk and grabs it from me😂 oh lord! He tried to see what it does and he just put it don't when he figured out what it is. 😂 goof ball. Anyways we start looking through a basket when I feel something going down my leg. I look down and there is a water puddle. Omg "Michael babe, my water just broke" he looks at me like Im kidding. "Im serious!" He looks around and sees my water actually broke! 💧 "OH MY GOD Y/Ns WATER BROKE!"

End of pt1

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