So i needed to do this

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Hi guys how are you? Suprised? Me too! My wattpad hasn't been worki f so I'm updating to see if it helps some how idk it's done it before!
Just wanted to give Luck to everyone who is taking exams soon. I'm taking my American history 1 exam tomorrow morning if it don't snow! God I hope it snows! It was earlier but idk 😒 anyways good luck and I just wanted to announce that on Valentine's Day I will be releasing a new 5sos imagine series like I said before. I just picked a date today so I wanted to tell you all that. Also I updated my last chapter of my 5sos imagines on this account a few hours ago😢 so sad but just mark your calendars for Valentine's Day! ❤️ anyways good luck to all love you😘 oh yeah hug yourself while your at it you helped me get 30k and I'm so happy! Thank you all!

Michael Clifford imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now