Prologue - Maxon

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"You can't come in." I blink and those are the first words I hear.

"Why the hell not? That's my best friend over there! You have to understand, doc." Luke.

I faintly hear him but it's getting difficult to stay awake.

"I understand Mr. Carter. But we want to keep a close eye on him and make sure his concussion doesn't worsen. You know first hand he took a pretty aggressive hit. We don't want to stress him out anymore than his body can take. Please. Just give him twenty-four hours. I know it may seem like a lot but—"

"Twenty-four hours?! I need to know if he's okay now! As team captain I have the right to know!"

"Calm down, Luke. The doctor will let us know if something's wrong."

Lane. I barely make out his voice.

I hear a growl then a thump.

"Mr. Carter, you need to remain calm. Or else we will have another injury on our hands."

I close my eyes again, finding my body getting heavy.

"At least tell me if he's okay. I need to know my best friend is healthy and alive."

"He's stable but alive. We just don't know the extent of the effect the concussion will have on him."

Luke remains silent but I don't hear anymore other than Lane trying to comfort him.

I once again fall into a deep sleep, not knowing what's going to be of me.

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