Chapter 30 - Madison

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"Mmm," I run my fingers through Maxon's wet hair as he pushes me up against the shower wall.

His soft, full lips move against mine, his tongue dipping in to tease against my tongue.

For the first time, it feels like everything is right where it needs to be.

Natasha was taken to a top-notch security prison somewhere in this country. My dad stayed with his house. No more crazy exes showing up.

Mrs. Blake has a new man.

And apparently, my mother is in the process of seeing someone new.

We haven't met him yet but she informed us yesterday evening there was a nice man who has been wanting to date her.

I'm not sure what to think about that.

She's my mother and I love her. I only want what's best for her so I'm a little wary—

Maxon's rough hand slides up my slippery skin, bringing my thigh up to wrap around his trim waist.

Yeah, every thought about another man is forgotten when I have my own grinding up against me.

I gasp as his thick erection rubs against my core.


"I need to be inside you," He shuts off the water and doesn't even bother drying us off. He sits me on the bathroom counter and I shiver as his mouth dips to suck on my pebbled nipple.

"Maxon, God," My hand teases at his hair as he gives the same attention to my other breast. "You have no idea how sexy you looked in that tux outside the courthouse."

His stubble rubs against my delicate flesh and I whimper. I feel him smirk against my skin, "Oh yeah? Did naughty thoughts come to mind?"

I gasp as he grabs my breasts and brings them together. They feel much more sensitive now.

"God, I love the noises you make and I'm not even inside you yet."
His strong fingers slide up to rub at my clit and my hips buckle up from the counter.

"Maxon," I moan as his hand slides down to rub at my sex, "So fucking wet."

"Only for you," I gasp and he grunts as he stops his sucking and meets my eyes, "Te amo. I love you, sweetheart." He drops a kiss onto my eyelids then my nose and finally my lips. "Remember that everytime I thrust in."

He lines up his head and slowly begins to thrust in, filling up my being with his powerful presence and love.

We stare into each other's eyes throughout our lovemaking and when he flips me around so we can watch each other in the mirror I lose it.

I watch him thrust into me from behind and the stimulation is just too much.

I scream as he thrusts in one last time. Groaning, he releases himself entirely.

As I pant and Maxon drops a soft kiss onto my shoulder, wrapping his arm around my abdomen, I can't help but smile gently.

My life is complete.

Everything has worked out the way it needed to.

And though we have gone through so much, there is something I still need to tell him.

Something that will fulfill both of us in every way and will give us what we've been searching for all along, a new beginning.


In honor of Thanksgiving I wanted to reward my readers with two chapters today!!!

I'm so thankful to those of you who have read my stories and supported me. Especially with this last one which has been written during one of the toughest moments of my life.

Thank you all for being so wonderful and supportive!

I hope you all have a safe and Happy Thanksgiving!! 🧡🧡🧡

God willing I'll update next week! 🙏 🥰

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