Chapter 8 - Madison

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"You guys really want me to go work...with Maxon? My ex!!"

"Madi, calm down," Trinity states calmly as I'm practically pulling out my hair. As soon as I landed I knew I needed advice from my siblings but this...this is far from what I expected them to say.

"Calm down?! How?! I don't want to! This is–"

"Do you really want to let Mrs. Blake down?" Leah interjects and I narrow my eyes at her. She only grins in return as she sits comfortably on Trinity's bed.

"Are you guilt tripping me into working with my ex?" I utter with outright disbelief.

Leah shrugs appearing anything but ashamed, "Maybe."

I hadn't realized I was holding in my breath until I let out a heavy sigh, shoulders drooping at the act. "No, I don't," I finally confess. Despite how much I hate to work with Maxon—taking care of him, of all things—I do need the job. 

I weigh my options carefully. I can't stay here and allow my sister and mom to take the load of the bills. They're struggling enough as is–even though they haven't necessarily told me. Mrs. Blake is offering me a way to contribute to my family's well-being.

On the other hand, my dad would also throw a fit. Because that's what he does when we don't pay anything on time.
"You'll ruin my credits worth." He'll say. Ugh.

"Crap..." I sit down on a chair my sister has placed in the far corner of her small room. "I need to think this through. Really need to think this through. I don't want to make any half-assed decisions just because I'm kinda desperate."

"You only have today Mad..." Trinity reminds me and I glare at her. "Thank you, Trinity, for that kind but unnecessary reminder."

"What?" She asks innocently from where she's sitting next to Leah. "Mrs. Blake needs the help and you need a job."

"In Boston. It's halfway across the country. With my ex." I say in an attempt for them to see reason. 

"Just do it, Mad," Trinity states, mind not budging on her stance. "Besides, you lived there for the better part of six months so it's not something new to any of us." A pause then, "It's not like you're going to make the moves on each other. He's engaged and you'"

I look up from where I had been staring at the floor and run my hands through my hair. "I'm me huh?"

"You're Madison Rosales. Kind, friendly, and professional. If it has work stomped on there you know you wouldn't pass your limits. I mean look at your ex-boss, Jake? Who remembers him, right?"

I feel my eyes dim at the reminder of him, "Right." From what I heard, he struggled a bit to find a job afterward. I know his attitude doesn't excuse what he did but I still feel horrible. Though I don't think of it much, a part of me feels like it's my fault he lost his business.

"What Trinity's trying to say, Mad," Leah explains, slicing through my memories, "is you're professional enough to keep it that way. View Maxon as a patient or something. An animal, maybe? I'm sure Vanessa has some tips."

A giggle bursts out of my lips and I quickly hide it. I feel like that's the most genuine laugh I've released in a long time. "An animal? Leah, you know very well he isn't one."

"Only in bed, I'm assuming." She gives me a wink and my face heats up.

"Ewww Lee, shut up for just one second." Trinity gags and Leah howls out a laugh.

"Look Mad, just try to view him as a patient or friend maybe."

"And Natasha?" I ask, really not wanting any issues with anyone at this point in my life.

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