Chapter 6 - Madison

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"Why Vanessa? Why do you insist on me coming here?" I beg her to let me wait outside. After getting back to the hotel yesterday, I cried my eyes out. I didn't think I had it in me but I'm so heartbroken. Seeing him again will only make things worse. I don't know why Vanessa keeps on insisting. It's not like I'm going to do anything other than sleep the day away. There's nothing much I can do in Boston anyway. Other than possibly visiting Mama Mae's but I wouldn't want to give them false hope I was back. She and Laila were upset about my leaving enough as it is.

"Because I don't want you to be miserable at the hotel." She insists again.

"Oh, and being in the presence of the man I love when he's engaged to someone else is any better?" I roll my eyes and plead. "Vanessa, just let me wait outside. I don't want to see him. I don't want to be near him."

Her blue eyes lock onto mine and a glimmer of tears lines her eyes. "She's not here you know. Luke informed me the witch is gone on tour."


"Please, Mad. For Mrs. Blake. You don't even have to go up and visit him. Only I can."

I bite down on my lip and pull my white coat tighter around me. "Fine." I breathe out. "But I am not going up there."

The door to Maxon's home swings open and Mrs. Blake greets us with a smile. "Girls! So happy you made it! Just in time for breakfast!" She urges us to come in and remove our coats. I don't, I keep mine on. Just in case I get the feeling to leave. "Still cold?" Mrs. Blake asks even though the house is nice and toasty.

I nod and glance around. The home I lived in for months. Nothing's changed yet everything has at the same time.

Nostalgia clogs my throat and I fight the urge to cry. Mrs. Blake eyes me carefully and I try to compose myself. "I made some toast, omelets, and pancakes for breakfast." She guides us toward the kitchen where it all happened. When he broke up with me. The day I was going to tell him the news.

I wave of nausea swarms in my stomach as we approach and Vanessa sets her hand on my shoulder. "Let it pass, Madi. It will pass."

I nod, knowing it's not the same day. It's a different month and time. I can do this. I don't even have to see him.  We enter the kitchen and dressed as chefs are Lincoln and Luke.

"Welcome, Mademoiselle." He greets us with a french accent. A damn good one too. "Breakfast is just being served."

"What are you idiots doing? And dressed like that?" She runs her hand up and down, gesturing to their ridiculous outfits.

"We're cooking." Lincoln replies with a bright grin and Luke adds. "Mrs. Blake is teaching us."

"About damn time," Vanessa utters as she motions for me to take a seat beside her on the marble island.

"Hi, Madison." Lincoln greets me as he hands me a plate full of pancakes. "Hi," I answer softly and Luke notices. "So...what do you think Mad? About our outfits? Ridiculous, huh?"

He and Lincoln step off to the side and do a little spin. They look far from ridiculous. Their toned bodies make their coats appear as if they are about to burst any second. "You fill them out quite nicely." I nod and take a bite of the delicious pancakes. "Wow, guys. These are really good."

Luke grins and walks over to the stove. "Mama B's recipe, we just cooked them. Make sure they didn't burn."

"Well I hate to say it but you guys did a grand job," Vanessa admits as she takes a bite of a bowl of berries Mrs. Blake just set down in front of us.

"You can take a seat boys, you both did an excellent job." They remove their coats and take a seat beside us. Lincoln to my right and Luke to Vanessa's left.

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