Chapter 34 - Madison

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6 months later...

"So I was thinking maybe we should go for a burgundy color as your theme. Since y'all want to get married in the Fall."

"Mmmhmm." My fingers toy with the ring where my hand is resting lightly on my huge baby bump.

The ring is absolutely stunning. The band is molded into a loose braid shape lined with tiny little diamonds. A decent-sized diamond is set in the center framed by two small roses. The matching set to my pendant and bracelet. But the most intimate touch is that in tiny, handcrafted letters are the words, Mi Amor, imprinted into the band.

I've never seen a ring like it and when I told Maxon as much he said he had it custom-made. He and the jeweler worked on the design and the man made it happen.

A grin lines my face as my baby begins slightly kicking in my belly just like every time I begin thinking about her daddy.

Yes, a few months ago, Maxon and I were told we were having a girl. Maxon was full of joy and I was beaming because I always wanted to have a little girl first. Though having a boy would've been welcomed too. But she's a complete daddy's girl. I'm not sure if Maxon's morning and evening conversations with her have anything to do with it but the second I think about him or speak to him, she begins running a little marathon in there.

Speaking of my man, he and I have been living at an all-time high. Shortly after Milan, Maxon and I came back to Boston where we spent the next few months moving into our new home.

Things moved a bit slower considering I was going to school, my baby was in her first stages of development, and Maxon and the guys had been busy with football and training.

They played well, so well that the guys once again made it to the Super Bowl this year!

Maxon was over the moon—or sun, as Luke says—and when he arrived that evening he made me his like he never had before.

Shivers break out all over my skin at the memory of what we did that night. I actually had to remind him he had already impregnated me by the way he took me. The insatiable sex drive of that man...

"Do you all even know where you want to get married?"

My mind has drifted back to Maxon and how attentive he's been with me these last couple of months. Even though the guy has been busy as hell with game season and training has ramped up even more with the Super Bowl coming up soon, he always arrives with a grin on his face.

"Madison." Vanessa sighs and Ari's voice snaps me out of my life that has felt nothing like but a dream.

"Girl, she's not even paying attention. I bet you she hasn't even heard a peep of what we've said."

I blink a few times as my gaze focuses on Ari's platinum blonde head which is moving from side to side. "Her mind most likely is hooked on her man." His brows dip. "I'm still hurt I couldn't make it by the way. Stupid event. Only because they had hired me months prior."

"You know we missed you." I finally say, coming back to the present moment. Shortly after Maxon and I's engagement, I asked him why Ari hadn't come.

Maxon had only told me he had invited him but Ari had to deny because of a modeling event he had been booked for months in advance. Ari has been pretty upset about it but I promised him that he could take part in planning the wedding along with Vanessa to make up for it. For the most part, things have been flowing smoothly on both their parts, mine though...

"Girl, where has your mind been at?" Ari's neat brow arches as V shakes her head. "I understand your man is one spicy chili pepper but the guy's already knocked you up. How much more you want?"

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