Chapter 12 - Madison

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I spend the rest of the weekend sleeping and I have to say, it was very much needed. With everything that has been going on in my life, I'd been sleeping like shit to put it honestly.

But now? Now I almost feel as if I can take on the world.

Heck! I feel as if I can even face Maxon and tolerate being in his presence for the rest of the month.

Except, the minute he steps foot into his house I realize that it was all in my head and it was utter bullshit.

Because the second I see him, my body seems to root itself into the ground. Once again feeling unsure about how to proceed working with him and acting around him.

It appears he's on the same page because he sets down his bag and eyes me with hesitancy.

To break the awkward moment, I smile at him but feel it comes as more of a grimace. "Hey," I cringe at the sound of my voice.

It sounds so small and vulnerable, almost as if I'm afraid of him.

Great going, Madi.

"Hey," His voice comes out rough and he clears his throat. "How was your weekend?"

"Good. I went out." I add and scold myself.

Why the hell would I do that? I don't need to tell him everything I do. We're not a couple anymore! It doesn't affect him in any way what I do or don't do but surprisingly he doesn't ask for details. All he says is, "Good. I was worried you would be bored but I'm sure you've calmed down?"

Calmed down, from his overwhelming presence.

He knows he still has an effect on me.

He knows. And it's all because of my reaction. I have to get it together. He can't think he still affects me, I mean, how embarrassing is that? He's moved on. And so have I.

Kind of.

"I–yes, I have but...I actually wanted to apologize for—"

He holds up a hand, "Don't apologize. I spent the weekend thinking..."

I grip onto my long sleeves and tug them over my hands, a nervous habit I've adopted around him. "Oh yeah?"

He seems serious but he nods, "Yes." He pauses then, "Look Madison. I understand that my mother wanted to give you an opportunity to work with me but I just don't like seeing you this uncomfortable around me."

My eyes round and glass seems to shatter inside of me. I'm not sure if that was my heart breaking once again.

You would think I would take this opportunity to leave but no, instead I say, "I'm not uncomfortable—"

"Please don't lie to me."

I bite down on my lip as he observes, "I can see you now. You're fidgeting and trying to hide." I don't stare at him, fighting back a blush but to no avail. I feel my cheeks heat up.

He lets out a long sigh, sounding resigned. "If you want to quit, I understand. I can look for someone else..."

"No!" I shout, cutting him off and he seems puzzled. I shock myself and am suddenly speechless, not knowing how to justify myself. "I-it's–" I take in a deep breath to calm myself and think rationally. "I don't mind working with you, so long as—"

"We stand professional. I understand but if our past weirds you out—"

"Doesn't it for you?" I find myself asking and he frowns, then I quickly reiterate, "Of course, it doesn't weird you out. You've moved on. You're also engaged and have forgotten about ––"

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