Chapter 9 - Maxon

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"And remember to give him his pain pills as soon as he wakes up. He also needs–"

"Alright, Ma. I'm sure Madison has my schedule memorized by now." I roll my eyes and my mom glances back at me from where she's heading toward the foyer. "I can't help but worry, baby. I know you're in capable hands but–"

"You said it yourself." I cut in gently. "I'm in capable hands." I land my good hand on her slim shoulder and peek over at Madison who's standing by quietly. Blushing adorably. "I'm not a baby anymore just to remind you."

"I know but–"

"You can't help but worry Ma. I know. And it's okay. We'll be okay, right?" My gaze turns to Madison with a smile and she quickly nods her head up and down. Cute.

"I assure you, Mrs. Blake." She says, following my lead, "I won't forget to give your son his medications and to make sure he doesn't overexert himself."

She lets out a soft resigned sigh. "It's not you I'm worried about, hon. But about my son. He can be a distraction and–"

"Okay, Ma." I usher her through the foyer and to the door before she starts reminiscing about our past together. "If you don't hurry you will miss your flight." As if to prove my point, Luke honks on his SUV.

Just on freakin' time.

For once.

My mom pouts and comes over to embrace me in a warm hug. "I love you, baby. I've left you Dr. Klein's number in case you need anything. Anything at all. I already let him know and he's happy to help when he can."

I nod and she pulls back to hug Madison who seems surprised by the gesture. "Bye, Madison. You have my number in case there are any changes in him."

I groan and she adds, "I just want to know. Please stay safe." She pats her cheek and Madison smiles warmly at her.

A look she doesn't give me anymore.

I clear my throat which does nothing to alleviate the sadness in my heart.

"I wish the same for you too." She replied back softly.

My mom nods and picks up her bags since she refused for me to lift a finger. "I'll have Luke help me," she says with a grin and I shake my head. "Alright, bye you two. I'll call you when I land."

After a few more minutes, we hear the car pull out of the driveway and finally Madison and I are alone. Like old times.

I turn to her with a grin and find her tugging on her long sleeves, biting down on her lip. She looks uncomfortable to be honest and I don't like it. Not at all.

"Hey, you okay?" I ask, trying for to soothe her whenever she's around me.

She only bites down on her lush lip—which I try my best not to linger—but the gesture speaks for itself. Despite our past I know her well enough to recognize when something's on her mind.

"Actually," she begins, "there's something I would like to speak to you about."

"Okay." I gesture with my good hand to the living room which just so happens to be the last place I spoke to her.

Part of me wonders if she wants to pick up on that conversation but I have a feeling that's not the case.

She sits down stiffly and I recline back, waiting for her to talk.

I lift up a brow as I wait for her to speak.

She's so uncomfortable I can feel it emanating off of her.

I really don't like this behavior around me. But what can I do?

"Relax, Madison." I add, hoping my words can offer her some sort or comfort. "I promise I'm not going to do anything with you."

Finally, she scoffs. "Of course, you're not. You're engaged."

My lips thin. I was hoping to make some sort of peaceful progress but I guess this is better than her outright refusing to look at me. "Right."

"I actually wanted to speak to you about that." She says and I lean back with surprise.

Could it actually be...she's changing her mind? "Oh yeah?" I say, interest evident in my tone.

"I spoke to your mom about it but she told me to bring it to you."

I wait for her to continue, she lets out a shaky exhale. "I want to sleep at Luke's."

I'm silent for a moment. Stunned she would even contemplate that. This was not what I was expecting. Just because I'm "engaged" she wants to..."Not happening."

By the look on her face, I can see my answer didn't surprise her.

"Come on, Maxon. I spoke to him on the way about this and he agreed."

It's my turn to scoff. "Of course he did."

Surely having her at his house would bring all sorts of delight. Not that he would make a move on her, considering he knows my feelings for her haven't left but Luke...Jesus, she should just stay with me.

"I would be here all day and late into the evening." She continues in her attempt to convince me, "I would arrive there around midnight, sleep and come back the next morning. I would basically be here with you all day."

"Which is why it's not happening. What's the point, Madison? You will only be gone, what, eight, ten hours?"
She's silent and I repeat. "Not happening. You're staying with me. I will not allow you to sleep anywhere else much less at Luke's."

She frowns and I let out a sigh, wanting her to see where I'm coming from.


"I don't want any issues, Maxon. You hear me?" She cuts past my words in a sharp and firm voice, I resist the urge to show any reaction of surprise. She never behaved this way when we were together. "You and I are through." She goes on as if I need that reminder. "As long as I work here, I want everything to remain completely professional. No talk about the past. That conversation you wanted to initiate the other won't happen. No sexual comments, you're an engaged man. I keep a room far enough away from you and you stay in yours. No coming over to mine unless you don't feel well. Wait!" She shakes her head and I smirk. "Unless I don't feel well, got it."

"Wha–no!" She yanks on her hair and I figure that's now a habit she has to showcase her frustration. "No, I come to you. I want this completely professional. Understand that, please."
My smirks slowly fades as I see the sincerity in her face.

We have enough problems, her and I,
and she doesn't want anymore.

I can see the loss of our kid in her eyes but if she would only allow me to open up to her we can resolve this.

"Alright, deal." I extend my hand to her and she stares at it as if it's a foreign object. I don't back down though and she finally takes it.

Her small and delicate hand feels amazing in mine and I fight the urge to pull her in for a kiss with every fiber of my being.

"Deal." She breathes out before jumping off of the couch and running up the stairs.

I remain sitting in place thinking about what the hell to do.

I'll give her time.

But it won't stay this way forever, it can't.

I'm fighting for us, I just need her to be on the same page too.

And if she's not then that's when I'll give in to the loss.

I just really hope it doesn't come down to that.

Well... as promised,

I'm hoping you loved this chapter!
I'm trying to make a routine for myself so I don't feel overwhelmed so I'll try to post a chapter every week. How does that sound? I know you all are waiting patiently and I thank you guys so, so much for that.

Have a great week everyone!

Also, Please Believe Me is completely updated and I actually like this version better. I added around 30 min more. So feel free to reread if you wish!

Till next week 🤗

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