Chapter 10 - Madison

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It's been two days since I set boundaries with Maxon.

If he didn't want me to stay at Luke's then fine but part of the deal was that things remain one hundred percent professional between the both of us. So far he's abided by them which I'm honestly surprised by but, yet again, he's barely left his room sleeping off most of the day.

I guess that makes things easier for both of us, right?

I mean, I don't have to worry about him making a move which means no problems with Natasha and my face doesn't need to be a constant reminder for him about our past.

Either way, I've been thinking.

A bit too much, if I'm being honest.

It may be best if, I don't know, maybe get out there...again?

Not necessarily date anyone but...a friend? Potential partner, maybe?

It would make sense and if Natasha were to find out I'm working with her fiancé she wouldn't be able to feel threatened since I would have moved on. It's just...crap, it's so complicated. I would have to pretend to be falling for someone else. Sort of.

I sigh as I help Lauren–Maxon's housecleaning lady–tidy up the family room.

Digging deep, I realize I'm still hurting.

A lot.

Seeing Maxon move on and me still mourning the loss of my can't be healthy to stay this way for long.

Especially when I have to be working with the father of my unborn child for the next four weeks.

Coming to a somewhat decision, I think it's worth a shot I try to move on to.

"Look for a friend" will be added to my to-do list later today.

A smile ghosts over my lips.

It's a small step that I'm hoping will lead in the right direction. I know Vanessa and my family will support the decision.

A few more hours pass with me helping Lauren. I have nothing else to do since–as Mrs. Blake mentioned–Maxon's sleeping as much as a toddler so I decided to offer her my help.

Having Fluffy–or Race–stay with Luke for the next few weeks has made cleaning the house easier. He's a puppy so he can be a bit messy at times though I do miss him. I have missed him ever since I left this place. He was the one being I truly regretted not being able to take with me but my family can't afford a pet at the moment.

"Madison," Lauren slides the dishes I used earlier today into the dishwasher and I frown, "I have finished tidying up the place. I have to head out soon to go pick up my daughter from practice."

"One moment," I tell her as I head over to Maxon's office where he left the check for me to hand to Lauren. I peek at the amount and my eyes bulge as I see he paid her eighteen hundred for one day. One. Day. My mom makes that amount doing multiple jobs and even then it takes weeks.

"Here you go," I hand it to her and she practically snatches it out of my hand.

Well then.

"Thank you," she rushes out heading toward the foyer where she keeps her purse. "Tell Mr. Blake I'll be back next month. Goodbye, Madison."

The door closing behind her resonates around the big house with a loud click and my shoulders sigh in defeat.

Lauren isn't bad, she's actually quite nice but keeps more to herself which may be why Maxon recently hired her but I just don't know about her.

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