Chapter 18 - Madison

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"Girl, you live here?" I give Ari a sheepish glance as he takes in Maxon's home with awe. The tall French styled windows. The winding staircase with cream colored walls. It's a grand spacious area with personal touches around making the home more cozy instead of the cool place it can be.

"Well, I'm working with Maxon so yes, technically I live here for now."

I invited Ari over to Maxon's place—with his consent of course—since he leaves Boston today. He has a gig back in New York and I really wish we could've spent more time together but I'm making this day count.

"Please don't tell me you still don't find that hunk of your ex attractive? Madi, Madi, Madi, where are your eyes woman? If it were me I would be..." he does a swinging motion, "hitting it out of the ballpark trying to get his attention."

I chuckle, leading him to the wide open spaced kitchen and his jaw drops. He lets out a low whistle. "Well shit, can I just say your man has good taste? Not only is he smokin' hot, fiery attractive but he knows how to choose 'em well."

He winks at me and my cheeks actually warm. "Would you like anything to drink Ari?" His eyes twinkle as he looks at me, "You're seriously telling me that you've been here, for three weeks and haven't made of a move on Maxon?"

Heat builds up in my cheeks, "I have not but," I bite down on my lip, "we have kiss—"

"Called it! I knew he wouldn't be able to keep his hands off of you!" I peek away since I feel my face red like a tomato. "So what was it like? Did sparks fly? Rekindled romance?" His brows jump up and down, "Did some baby making go on huh?"

I glance away and open the fridge grabbing a cool can of something. I'm seeing but not really taking anything in. I'm trying to hear the word baby without reacting to it. Don't get me wrong I would want to tell Ari that I was pregnant but I just don't want to talk about it now. It's a hard topic for me to discuss and I would really just want to change things up a bit. For the better and Ari can do that.

"No, no baby making. Maxon's injured and even if I wanted to, I just don't feel ready."

Ari smirks as I hand him the can, "I can say so many things when it comes to that but I won't." He glances at the can and his brows furrow, "what is it?"

His body gives a shudder, "I hate coconut water."

My eyes bulge because I hadn't noticed what exactly I had taken out of the fridge. "Oh God, I wasn't looking. Sorry A."

"Pfff no problem," he waves it off, "you wouldn't have known." I grab the can from him and set it down on the counter. "Would you like a..." I open the fridge and pick up a plastic bottle. "A protein shake then?"

Ari holds up his slim arms, "Does it look like I drink protein shakes girl?" I chuckle but toss it to him when he extends his arm. "I'm actually curious, let me see what the hype is about these men taking these."

I watch as he opens the cap and takes a drink. "Hmm, not bad but tastes weird. Want some?"

I shake my head no and we sit down on the round table overlooking part of the garden.

"So," Ari begins, "What's going on then? Him, Natasha, you...I knew he didn't love her by the way."

I fidget in my seat not knowing how to talk about all of this without feeling as if I'm going to panic. She threatened me. Not only me, Mrs. Blake! The sweet, kind woman. How could she do that? You have to truly be cold and selfish to go after the family and friends of your supposed loved one. She's out of her mind.

"Well, Maxon and I, we've been hanging out."

"Of course you have," Ari smirks, "relighting your passion for each other." My brows furrow and he laughs, "go on."

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