Chapter 14 - Maxon

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My heart seems to stop as the words leave Madison's mouth.

"I think you don't love Natasha." She repeats, softer this time as if sounding unsure. I would cross my arms across my chest but considering one is dislocated, I settle for an aloof and serious expression. Neither confirming nor denying.

"Oh yeah? Why wouldn't I?"

I just want to see where her head's at so I can not allow myself to hope for more.

If she's wanting to move on with William, as much as I fucking hate the thought, I have to let her go even if it means I remain single for the rest of my days.

"Because you lied to her," she answers softly. "You didn't bother correcting her. You always respect women. I think–I think you tried to love her again but––"

I stop her there. "You are wrong. I didn't leave you to give her a second chance. I'm not that much of an idiot." Anymore, I almost add. Natasha had me wrapped around her little finger when we first started dating but now I see just how much of a snake she was and continues to be. The very same snake from the Garden of Eden looking to destroy humanity but in this case, our relationship.

Madison seems confused by my answer and I can't blame her. I haven't exactly come out and said any of the shit I've been going through, just dropping hints.

"I don't understand...why would–why would you be with her then?"

I take one small step and feel her breath brush lightly across my chest. I cup her chin. "Tell me something." She peeks up at me through her long lashes and as much as I don't want to ask this question I need to know, "Have you moved on? Do you truly like William?"

She bites down on that plump lip of hers which I just want to claim all over again.

"Be honest with me and I'll be honest with you." I say and she hesitates then says words that crush my very soul, "I want to move on, Maxon, yes. Which is why I––"

I pull away from her before she can finish and walk to the opposite side of the room, staring out the window. I wish Race were there playing and thankfully he will be here tomorrow. God, I really need the little guy. My companion.

"You didn't let me finish." Madison says and I answer in an attempt to defend myself from what my own actions have brought upon me, "You don't need to say anymore. You want to move on and as much as I hate it, I understand. I've brought nothing but trouble and drama into your life. You deserve someone like Lane. More lowkey with less shit to handle."

I'm hurting and I just want her to leave. I need to think. I can't force her to listen to me. She's so stubborn when an idea is in her mind but if she wants to move on, why bother explaining my shit to her? I would only be hindering her life.

"Maxon, you're doing that again. You hate when I go out with other guys. Why? I don't––"

"Because I never stopped loving you!" I snap and I immediately regret the words once they are out.

She's going to leave. She's going to think I'm lying. Trying to find a way to make her stay. To mess with her, like usual.
"You know what? Leave Madison, please."

I need to save what's left of my heart. The love I have for her and always will.

I know this is my fault, I know it is but I love the woman enough to respect her and even...let her go.

"Wha–no. I'm not leaving."

I walk over to the door determined as she says, "Maxon, no."

"Madison, please." I urge her.

"What do you want, Maxon?"

I furrow my brows at the curveball of a question, "What?"

"What do you want, Maxon?"

I shake my head assuming she doesn't know what she's talking but she grips onto my arm and that touch dissolves me, so when she asks one more time, sounding purposeful, "What do you want Maxon."

I cave like a cheap deck of cards and pour the dam of love which is my heart, not holding anything back.

"I want you to believe me. I want you to listen to me and hang out with me like old times. I want to kiss you, touch you, confide in you saying fuck it to all this professional shit." I meet her eyes, "But most of all I want you to love me again."



Those words are my undoing. Before I realize what I'm doing, I'm wrapping my arms around his neck and kissing him. Showing him that I never stopped loving him in the first place.

He seems taken aback because, for a few seconds, he doesn't kiss me back. For a second I realize that I shouldn't be doing this and am about to pull back when his hand cups the back of my head and draws me back into him.

I moan as his tongue collides with mine and I feel myself being pushed back until the backs of my knees hit the bed.

I sit down and find Maxon looking at me. Chest heaving deeply, just like mine and his eyes are darkened with lust.

"Fuck, you know how long I've been waiting to do that?" He groans and I fight the urge to moan along with him. "Too long. Too fucking long." He gently pushes me back onto his huge bed and I softly collide with the plush mattress.

He leans over, bracing himself with one arm and his lips capture mine. As our lips and tongues move rhythmically against each others my mind starts spinning and it slowly sets in what I just did.

But what makes it worse is I don't even feel guilty.

I softly run my hands through Maxon's thick hair then pull back and chuckle when his lips try to find mine again but I refuse, "Maxon stop, your arm." He moves to lay beside me then grabs me by the arm and drapes me over his right side. "Your sides..."

"I can handle it." He lifts his shirt and his bruises are better than they were on Friday. "They don't hurt as much anymore." He grins and tucks a strand of golden-brown hair behind my ear.

It's crazy just how easy we are back to our old selves but as Maxon looks at me, I can see a haunted sort of expression I hadn't noticed before. It seems I'm not the only one hiding something after all.

"Maxon," I begin wanting to get us back on track.

"Please don't tell me you changed your mind already?" A vulnerable glint enters his eyes and a softness takes over me, leaning over I cup his cheek. "I was going to say we need to talk. Can we do that?"

His eyes meet mine and he seems to be looking for something there. It's then when it hits me that he's trying to see if I'm ready. Since he's tried and I've always left. I reach for his hand and squeeze. "I'm ready. I'm not leaving."

He hesitates and I lean over, "I swear." I place his hand over my heart, promising, "I'm not leaving."

He shudders and whispers, "I hope to God you stay true to your word because I don't know if you will be feeling the same after I tell you."

My brows draw together, not knowing what he can possibly say to make me leave him. For a split second my mind tells me he'll come out and say everything is a prank but I have a gut feeling that's not the case. Still I ask, "Tell me what exactly?"

He sits up pulling me up with him, "The truth, Madison. It's time for me to tell you the truth."

Hey guys!
Two chapters in a week!
I'll give myself a pat on the back for doing this 😂

I really hope you like this chapter and see what will happen from here. I know you guys have been waiting for the reconciliation between M&M 😂 sorry I had to.

Anyway, Maxon is about to tell Madison the truth. How do you think she will react? Is she ready or will it be too much for her to handle at this point in her life? 🤔

Okay, I wish you guys a great rest of your weekend and I'll be posting a teaser for the next chapter, God willing.

Take care guys! Thanks so much for the support! 💜💜💜

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