Chapter 33 - Maxon

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"Maxon, I do not like being blindfolded," My girl grumbles as I pull her along the rooftop restaurant, a huge grin on my face.

Tonight is the night I'm asking her to be mine forever and it's an understatement to admit I'm nervous. Seriously, you would think our two-hour tour of the Duomo di Milano earlier today would've melted—or at the very least eased my nerves, but no, the lower the sunset in the sky, the more the butterflies grew. It almost feels like eyeing the famous cathedral from a distance. It's a distance away no big deal but as you stand right in front of the infamous building and realize the importance and grandness compared to your small stature, you can't help but feel intimidated. It's only natural.

"Just a few more steps, I promise." I squeeze her hand gently as we walk along the luxurious but cozy terrace.

"Okay but I'm really starting to regret bringing heels–" Madison trips at that moment and I'm quick to grasp onto her body. "God," She gasps, "I could've broken my ankles."

I pull her close to me so her side is molding into my front. Leaning into her, I whisper, "I never would've allowed anything bad to happen to you." My hand lands on her stomach, "Especially now."

A gasp rings from beside us and it is at that moment I realize I was careless.

Madison looks around but can't see anything since I've blindfolded her but my mother stands to our right, a small hand to her mouth as she stares at my hand on Madison's stomach.

"Ma..." I try to save face but it's pointless, my mom's gaze is fixed on us like a hawk.

"Madison, are you pregnant honey?" My mom asks Madison and Madison's cheeks turn a light shade of red. "Mrs. Blake, we were–"

"She is!" My mom says at the same time I begin, "We can explain—"

"Maria!" My mom ignores us and Madison looks around quite literally blindly as she tells my future mother-in-law, "Our kids! They are having a baby! Un bebe!"

Madison nudges me as I scold myself for them finding out the news like this. Fuck, I'd been so careful the last few days not to make a move on her like this but now, I guess this is how our friends and family will find out.

And surprisingly, my mom isn't scolding us for not letting her know right away like I assumed she would.

"Bro are you serious?" Luke's eyes are round and glued to my hand on Madison. "You're going to be...a dad."

I grip Madison's hand and drop a kiss on top of her fingers, knowing she's anxious to regain her sight. "Let's sit, yeah?"

With a wide grin on my face, I lead us out onto the Terrazza.

I decided to treat my family and friends to dinner out on one of those restaurant rooftops Italy is known for. I only came here with my parents once when I was very little but I remember my mom explaining to me that this is where my dad proposed to her. I thought since my dad isn't physically here with us, why not honor him by proposing to my own woman in the same place where my parents decided to commit to each other for the rest of their lives?

When Madison is seated, I untie the blindfold from her eyes. She blinks a few times as she gets used to the dim lights but when it dawns on her where she is she gapes, "Maxon where are–"

"Terrazza Trenniale."

My mom sighs at the name and takes the seat across from me. "It looks just as beautiful as before."

Madison's eyes rove over the views overlooking the city lit like fireflies and finally her dark gray orbs land on me, "It's stunning."

My hand reaches out to tuck one of her styled locks behind her ear and I drop a kiss onto her lips. "You make the place that much more radiant."

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