Chapter 4 - Maxon

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"You did this?" Madison glances around at the mariachi band I rented for the hour with awe. The look on her face is so worth it. The struggle to find them was so worth it to put that smile and peaceful look on her face.

"I did. Everything was picked with you in mind." I drop a kiss onto her gorgeous, plump lips. "Even the song."

The main vocalist begins to sing a song by famous singer Vicente Fernandez and her face lights up with recognition. I recall a conversation when she told me she heard his songs growing up. Probably one of the only few good memories of her father. I'm going to change that. I'm going to prove that she and I are exactly as the song says, for forever.

"Maxon." She gasps.

"Dance with me, Madison."

And we do, except I'm not the one holding her in my arms anymore. Suddenly her arms are wrapped around another man. He appears to be slightly older than me and she grins up at him.

His light brown hair and blue eyes only focused on her.


They sway to the spanish rhythm and that's when I see...

Her swollen belly.

Carrying child.

Their child.

My heart begins to race as the man's hands fall to her stomach, caressing the growing baby bump.

"Madison," I whisper.

But she doesn't hear me.

It's as if I'm a ghost.

I walk up to them but she lets out a laugh and suddenly I see her ring.

She's married.

I feel a thick knot stuck in my throat and fall onto my knees right there on the sand.

My heart is racing so fast at the thought she's moved on...

I have lost her.

No, it can't be.


"Madison, no!"

But she doesn't turn around once to glance at me.

"Madison!" I cry out, heart breaking. Regret stabbing me heavily in my chest.

"Maxon. Maxon."

And as fucking cliché as it is, they walk off down the shore, in the moonlight.

"No! You can't leave me! Mi amor!"

"Maxon, sweetie, wake up."

My eyes shoot open and I wake up, breathing heavily and my heart racing.

I glance to my right and my mother is standing there looking concerned. "Son? Are you alright?"

I lie back down once I realize I haven't left the hospital yet.

"Yeah." I sigh running a hand down my face. "Bad dream."

Her lips tighten. "You've been having a lot of those lately."

"Well, I got into an accident so I'm bound to have some, don't you think?" It comes out a bit defensive but I don't want to talk about my recurring dream. For all I know, it can possibly be true.

Madison may have started seeing someone new.

Or will start to soon.

I frown. I hate that idea. But I know, all of this is my fault so I can't blame her.

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