Chapter 20 - Maxon

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"You know what? I think you're right William. Being with Maxon is just too much. You don't know how crazy his ex, Natasha, is. It just isn't worth the drama."

My head whips around at Madison and she gives me a sheepish look but her eyes are far from apologetic. "What? I thought you said you wouldn't leave me. That we are all in this together."

Lane smirks from the other side of the room. Madison bites down on her lip as my heart breaks right there in front of that ass.
"I know but—" she fidgets around, looking back at Lane. "I just—I need to think of my family and Lane also has financial stability without compromising my safety or my family's."

Lane grins and holds out his hand for her.

My brows dip, "financial stability? Sweetheart, you never cared about the money."

Her gaze meets the floor, "We need the money, Maxon. Lane can help. I'm sure my family will love and accept him."

I watch as she peeks over at Lane who's grinning so wide it's disgusting.

"Mi Amor," she shakes her head as I reach a hand for her, "No, Maxon. I don't want to deal with this drama with Natasha." She takes a step back, "you and your mom can think of a way out."

She bites down on her lip and takes another step back, heading toward Lane.

"What? No. Madison, Mi Amor." She takes his hand and my heart splits into two." what about—what about our baby?" I desperately ask as I try to get her to not leave me but she seems cold and distant as she shrugs a shoulder. "It's dead and there's nothing much I can do about it..." she meets Lane's eyes and grins. He holds out his arm and she interlocks her hands between them.

"Well, I guess this is goodbye, Maxon. I wish you the best with the Natasha situation."

They begin to walk out of the house and as fast as I can, I run after her yelling, "No! Please don't leave me! Madison! I need you! No, please don't! Come back, please!"

"Love." Comes the voice behind me and I scream, "No! Come back! Don't leave me!"

"No, don't leave me. No, don't."

"Maxon, Mi Amor," I feel soft fingers cupping my chin but I feel my head moving left and right, my body thrusting up and off the bed, fighting to get her back.

"Madison, Mi Amor, don't leave me! I need you." I distantly hear myself shout.

"I'm right here, shhh."
I feel kisses on my cheeks and my eyes widen. Before I realize what I'm doing I have her pinned underneath me.

Madison gasps as I straddle her and I suck in a sharp breath, "Shit, fuck, sorry."

I push up off her and her brows draw in concern. "You were having a nightmare." She deduces and I avoid the urge to meet her face. "You were having a nightmare. About me leaving you. I would never do that."

I still, not meeting her eyes and she tries cupping my face but I step aside. "I'm going to go shower."

I turn on the hot spray and stand under the water, washing away the remnants of that nightmare that seemed very real.

As I wash myself, I feel small arms wrap around my torso and I whip around, "what are you doing?"

She bites down on her lip shyly, "joining you."

She reaches for the shampoo and begins washing her hair. I watch in awe and doubt as she stands there, utterly content.

"What?" She asks when she catches me staring, "would you leave me?" I ask and when she doesn't answer quickly enough I say, "because if this situation with Natasha is too much then I would just let—"

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