Chapter 24 - Maxon

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Luke: they're settling in now. Madison said it was too much

I grin, not expecting anything less from her.

Me: of course she did.

I'm sure after seeing the ten thousand square foot home I bought for her and her family she went insane. The second my love and the guys flew out to California I pulled some strings thanks to Lincoln and his contacts and bought them a home. It was on a brim but we made it happen. Perks of having connections that I don't take for granted.

I'm sure she may have been protesting after Luke told her everything as well but I did it all because I love her. And because I love her family as well. If they are happy it means she's happy which makes me happy. This brings me to,

Me: how is she?

I need to know how things have been on her end. We haven't spoken much since she's gone. Both of us have been busy trying to solve our situations. But now that things are settling down a bit on her end...

Luke's response takes seconds,

Luke: way better. I think the house left them all in such a shocker that the dick hole that is their father was left behind. Instantly.

Anger rises within me as I recall Luke's phone call from yesterday evening recounting what went down at Madison's house earlier that day. Her father showed up and demanded they leave. Like the asshole had to make that any clearer. But from what Luke said, Madison's mom handled it like a champ. Apparently, she told him to shove those house keys where the sun don't shine. I don't know why I expected less from her. The woman is sweet but can definitely hold her own. Don't mess with the Rosales clan that's for sure.

My head shakes from side to side. Man, I love my girl's family. I really do.

Me: I'm glad. Tell them it's theirs. I'll transfer the house to their name as soon as I fly over.

Luke: noted. *Okay emoji sign*

"Hey, you ready?" Lincoln asks as a beautiful female strides in behind him.

She has bright red lipstick on and honey-colored hair styled into simple waves. She's wearing a tight v-neck and jeans but gives off a feeling as if she's not one to mess with.

"Your masseuse, Mr. Blake," Lincoln smirks as he gestures the young woman forward. "You know, to help 'rehabilitate' your injured body."

"Maxon meet Stephanie, Steph meet the one and only Maxon Blake."

I roll my eyes but gulp. Jesus Christ, I don't think I can do this.

I'm sure Madison would understand why I decided to do this but I'm really regretting not telling her about this right now. I should've but I can't just relay my plans through the phone. Besides, she has enough on her plate. And it's not like anything else would happen. I have a feeling Lincoln and Stephanie may know each other intimately judging by the way she keeps on stealing glances at him.

I hold out my hand, "Nice to meet you, Stephanie. "

"Likewise." She offers me a polite grin and I raise a brow at Lincoln who looks eager to get this started.

"Alright, so just to go over the plan again. Stephanie here was recommended by a friend to come to offer her massage services to a broken football player. Classic."

I frown, "Broken?"

Lincoln offers a lopsided grin, "Injured. An injured football player who will begin his PT services next week. She's here to offer pain relief support in the meantime."

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