Chapter 3 - Madison

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Great. Just what I needed.

I'm not in the mood for this. For her.

"Excuse me." I say and try to walk past her but Natasha only walks in and closes the door behind her, sauntering over to Maxon.

"Why in such a hurry?" She stands beside an awfully quiet Maxon as she leans over and plants a kiss atop his head.

I fight the urge to wince as she caresses his strong face. She plants a soft kiss on his lips and I glance away. "I really should get going." I mutter and she pouts. "Well that's kind of rude. Didn't think to congratulate us before you left?"

I frown at her. Congratulate her for what—

My heart sinks to the pits of the earth as I notice, a beautifully intricate diamond ring set on her long fingers.

"Maxon and I got engaged!" She beams and I can't look away from the ring. I've never seen anything like it. The detail he went through to get it done. It looks custom made. For her.
"Right babe?"

I feel sick. I really do need to leave or else I will embarrass myself by throwing up all over them.

"Congratulations." I say softly and add. "I hope you both have a very wonderful life together."

Natasha gives me a cheeky grin and strokes a finger down Maxon's face. "Oh we plan on it."

I nod slightly.

This was a mistake. The thought runs rampant over and over in my head. I can't get out of there soon enough but just as I open the door Mrs. Blake is standing there with a grin. A bag, and two coffee cups on each hand.

"Oh Madison, how did you you know?! I really need the helping hand—"

Her gaze flicks over my shoulder and I know the minute her eyes set on Natasha because her face tightens.

"Mrs. Blake! Where have you been!" Her sickly sweet voice asks.

But Sofia doesn't answer, her gaze drifting to mine. "I bought you the coffee. Where's Vanessa?"

I tell her and she hands the items to me. Storming past and heading straight for Natasha at her son's side. I sneak a glance at him and find him staring emptily ahead of him. He hasn't said a word but yet again what else could he say? The obvious is obvious. He's getting married. And I have to come to the conclusion, we're really truly over.

"Get out." Sofia hisses. "I don't want you here tormenting my son."


"You have two seconds." She adds.

"One. Two. Out. Now!"

Natasha glances around as if looking for someone to help her but we all know it's a show because she smiles for a brief second before her face transforms into one of hurt.

"Sofia I'm hurt. That is no way to speak to your future daughter-in-law." Purposefully she lays her left hand across her chest in that moment and Sofia lets out an audible gasp.

My thoughts exactly. How can Maxon love this cruel woman? Can he really not see how manipulative she is?

"Take it off." Sofia whispers, rage barely restrained.


"Take it. Off. There is no way in any world I'm letting my son marry you."

"Ma, leave it." Maxon finally says and my heart feels stomped on all over again.

Leave it.

So he truly wants this.

Mrs. Blake stands there, fists tightened in rage and I can't hear this anymore. I softly close the door behind me and find Vanessa walking down the hall toward me. "Sorry I took so long. I got lost and was going down the same hall for forever." She chuckles. "I finally had to ask someone for help." Her face suddenly drops and she rushes over to me. My legs cave as I feel like I can't stand any longer. "Madi! What happened?!"

I lose all strength as I break down and cry right outside Maxon's room. "Madi! Is Maxon okay? What happened?" She kneels beside me on the spotless hospital floors. "Mad! God, you're so pale."

"He's getting married." I whisper and close my eyes tight to keep any more tears from falling.

"Who?" She asks with confusion all over her face.


The same gasp I heard from Sofia escapes V.

She remains silent, staring at me with shock as I admit, "It was a bad idea to come here. A really bad idea."

The door opens in that moment and Natasha stomps over to me. I hate that she sees me on the floor but she doesn't seem to care as she points. "Stay away from my man."

"Back off Natty-bitch." Natasha gives her a surprised look at the name. It's actually quite comical but Vanessa goes on, "stay away from my friends and family."

"Maxon isn't related to you." She sneers and Vanessa doesn't back down. "Luke is my brother and Maxon and him may as well be. Hence family. We are all family. So back off and go back into that hell you seemed to have crawled out of."

"I hate you." She snaps and Vanessa smirks. "Likewise bitch."

Natasha seems taken aback by Vanessa's words and I wonder why. "Skank." She mutters at her before looking at me, standing right next to Vanessa. "Stay away from Maxon girlie. I mean it. Or else you will regret it."

"Oh come on. How many times have we heard that line in the books? Which character are you playing? The evil one?" Vanessa waggles her brows up and down and she appears so much like Luke in that moment. "Because they always end up losing in the end. I feel bad if that's you."

Natasha grits her teeth and barks at me. "Stay away, you hear me?" Before she continues her stomping down the hall where she disappears from sight.

"Fuck." Vanessa whispers turning back to me. "Are you alright? Sorry, stupid question."

I take in a shaky breath. "I'm heading back to the hotel, you can stay a bit longer with Mrs. Blake if you like."

Before she has the chance to answer I'm already walking. In the same direction she-who -should-not-be-named did

The only difference is, someone left gaining it all, I am the one who's lost it all.

And I don't think I'll ever get it back.

No matter how much I may have had the hope I would've.

Another shorter chapter. I'm getting excited to write again and am taking advantage whenever I feel the urge. Hope you enjoy this one!

Also, I'm sorry if anything doesn't make sense. As I've mentioned before all of my stories are first drafts. I'm also easing myself back into writing so it will be a while before I actually feel satisfied with my work.

Anyway, I hope you all have a great weekend and thank you so much for waiting around patiently for me to upload my story. It means so much to have you all here reading my work ☺️

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