Chapter 26 - Maxon

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Everyone is gathered around the kitchen island save for Madison's mother and Lincoln. He informed me he will show up soon but had to pick up some important errands first.

The minute I landed yesterday I knew I was in no headspace to relay what had transpired a few days ago.

The second Natasha was arrested, I was informed by Jacob I was unable to leave the state for a few days until I could further relay some information to the police.

It was a hectic and exhausting last couple of days and Lincoln was with me through it all. Heck, when Mr. Carter reached out I was grateful. He's stayed back and agreed to be my lawyer but in all honesty, I don't want anything to do with that woman anymore.

When her sister–fuck, it still hasn't sunk in that Natasha has a sister, much less a fucking twin. Jesus Christ, not one but two of them. But it turns out that I met the worst of the bunch. To murder your own fucking parents? Jesus.

A soft hand wraps around my arm and I glance down to meet the eyes of the woman of my dreams. She's staring up at me with a knowing look and I know she can tell my mind's drifted away from the spacious, modern, chef's kiss of a kitchen.

She reaches up to kiss my jaw and I shudder, remembering the sensual promises from last night.

And just like that, my mind has forgotten my past which is sure to leave a scar for the rest of my life.

Madison clutches my arm as if it's her lifeline and thankfully that keeps me grounded and present.

The doorbell rings thirty minutes later and Leah rushes over to open it.

"Leah!" Madison shouts, "Check who it is before–"

I hear her open the door and soon enough a familiar voice follows, "Uh, hello, is this Madison Rosales' home?"

"Lincoln I'm assuming? Come in."

Madison shakes her head and utters, "God, that girl. Sometimes she can be just as careless as Vanessa."

"Hey, Mad! I would normally take that as offensive but shit, the girl's gotta give a fuck once in a while and live life."

Both girls begin bickering amongst themselves about the dangers of opening the doors to a random stranger when Lincoln strides in behind a smiling Leah. Behind him are Jacob and the reminder of the woman who made my life hell up until a few days ago.

"Hey," Lincoln greets with a lopsided grin, his eyes rounding as he takes everyone in. "Wow, we got a big group here."

"Duh, we are Madison's siblings. Where she's at, we're at." Trinity states and Lincoln's eyes zero in on her then on Isaiah who's standing next to her.

I asked Madison last night if there were any updates on those two and she only shrugged, stating nothing has happened.

I feel greatly protective over Madison's siblings because I view them as the little siblings I never had. So to hear my friend crushing on one of them is not anything I take lightly. But I also know I can't force them to do anything. Especially Trinity.

From the encounters I've witnessed between them, they appear to only be friends. Keeping it playful even.

Which was odd considering Trinity doesn't really laugh with anyone. Imagine my face when I saw her teasing around with someone.

"Hey guys," Jacob greets with an incline of his head, "Since Linc's seemed to have gotten lost in his head, I would like to introduce myself. Jacob Halls. And this is one of my peers, Natalia Garin."

All of us swivel to stare at the woman and I feel Madison tense as she takes in the woman I'm sure she's mistaking for Natasha.

As I said, we didn't discuss anything but I may have mentioned I was shocked, to put it mildly.

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