Chapter 29 - Maxon

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"Congrats brother." Luke claps me on the back and I grin, feeling the happiest I've been since I met Madison. "Thanks, man." His father walks up behind us, and pats me on the shoulder, "You did good, pops." Luke greets his father and Mr. Carter curls his bicep, "Still as strong as ever."

Like father, like son. I only shake my head as Lincoln strides up to me along with Natalia and Jacob who were all present for the jury. "About time." He hugs me and grins, "How does it feel to be free?"

"I've touched heaven." I'm beaming when I add, "For the most part. I'm sure when I tell Madison the news I'll be complete."

My fingers graze lightly over the jewelry box in my pocket.

I began the process of customization shortly after her birthday a month ago and just got it two days ago. I've been carrying it everyday since. It kept me grounded throughout the trial and reminded me that I was hours away from being served a plate of justice.

"My baby boy!" My mother walks over and pulls me into her embrace. I grasp her in my arms and settle my head on her petite shoulders. "I am so, so proud of you honey! Homicide? I'm still angry you didn't tell me–"
"Sofia," Mr. Carter warns in a stern voice and his eyes gesture to the crowd following us. "Oh right, sorry. Where is Liliana?" My mom changes the subject knowing she can't scold me in public.

Yeah, I may have "forgotten" to mention a little minor detail about Natasha's case.
"Wasn't able to come. She was urgently needed at the clinic since they have a shortage of doctors."

Dr. Klein steps up from behind my mother, "Your wife is a doctor? What kind?"

"Pediatrician. Family doctor." They begin discussing amongst themselves and my gaze locks onto Natalia who is standing around looking oddly disappointed.

I approach her, "Hey, are you alright?"

Though I'm over the moon with the results I can't imagine how she must be feeling. She was her twin after all.

The beautiful blonde runs a hand up and down her arm, as if trying to comfort herself. "I don't know...I thought I would feel good about putting her in jail but...she's my sister and knowing that?"
"I've told her to not feel bad." Jacob strides up beside her and lands a palm on her slim shoulder. "That it's best to keep her away from humanity since she lost her right to human a long time ago."

Luke nods from beside me and Natalia stares around at the public where some are staring with judgment and others with outright curiosity.

Her gaze returns to ours and admits quietly,
"She's ruined and...that's really sad to me. I'm sure our parents didn't mean for that to happen but...she was the only family I had left."

I try offering her a comforting smile but it comes more of a grimace. I hate what I'm about to say but somewhere deep inside I can't help but offer, "You can be our friend."

"What? Max," Luke protests as Lincoln curses under his breath.

Natalia's eyes light up though and I add sternly, "I trust that you are nothing like Natasha but don't get me wrong, I am concerned with having you around."

"You always were blunt, huh?"

One side of my lips curve up, "It's one of my many strengths."

"Please don't tell me my son wants you around too. We've had enough of you." My mother walks up to stand in front of me and her petite figure is rather imposing to Natalia's model stature.

"Go Mrs. B!" Luke whisper shouts as I watch the encounter.

"Mrs. Blake. What a pleasure to meet you." Natalia extends her hand but my mother slaps it away.

"Sofia," Luke's father sighs and once again gestures around at the crowd waiting for us outside the courthouse. Fans and news anchors have their cameras pointed towards us and my mother causing a bit of a scene is sure to be viewed all over the country. I know her though and she won't. Not when it will only cause drama for Madison and I.

"Listen girl, I want you nowhere near my baby. I could give one bit that you saved his life. You share blood with that girl and I don't trust you."

My mother glares at her and Natalia dips her head as Luke whistles, "I completely understand. I'm sure many are of the same mind as you but...I'm probably going to stay low for a few months anyway. Maxon is just being friendly and..." Her gaze locks with mine, "My sister really didn't deserve a guy like you."

"You're damn right she never deserved my baby." My mom interjects and I grab a hold of her arm lightly knowing she's proved her case.

"Ma," I pull her aside to where Dr. Klein holds her.

Don't ask me about their relationship because I can't talk about it. Don't get me wrong, I love seeing my mother moving on in her life but she's my mother and doctor or not, I don't want him hurting her.

"Alright, I'll stop." My mom grumbles and shoots a look back at Natalia, "Just know he has the most beautiful girlfriend and they will have babies. Lots and lots of them."

"Ma," I groan because she didn't need to add that to get her point across. She holds up a hand, "Alright, I'll stop. But stay away and don't ever think I'm some ninny. I was never afraid of your sister anyway."

We all stare after my mother as Dr. Klein excuses themselves then drags her away.

"Anyway," I tell Natalia once my mother is out of earshot, "You are welcome to visit when you like. Though I'm still wary, I trust your actions have been honorable."

She opens her mouth to speak and I hold up a finger, "But, I will not trust you fully. Not ever. These guys," I gesture at Luke, Lincoln, and Isaiah, "Are the only men I'll ever fully trust. My girl's family as well. That's it. My circle of friend's has always been small but those I keep around are loyal as hell."

"Damn straight we are. We all would take a bullet for each other." Luke smirks and Natalia's gaze jumps to all of us and finally lands back on me.

"Thank you, Maxon. You have no idea–you have no idea how much this means to me. I hope you and Madison–"

"NO! NO!"

Chaos erupts from behind us as Natasha is escorted by a group of FBI to their truck.

Her red gaze finds mine then lands on her sister who's beside me, "You bitch! You will pay for this!"

"Yeah, yeah! I'll be waiting love!"

The last word sends shivers erupting down my skin as I recall Natasha using that same word on me hundreds of time.

I take a deep breath as Luke slaps my back, "Ready to get this shit over with and go back to your woman?"

My shoulders sag with relief and a smile immediately replaces the gloominess on my face.

"Thought I'd never hear those words. Yes, let's go back to our girls."

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