Thank YOU!

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Oh my goodness, guys! I honestly have NO idea what to say!

This, this is one of the most emotional but BEST moments of my life!

If you all have been following me since the beginning, you all know I hit rock bottom this year. There were many moments I didn't want go on, I wanted to give up on life and it got so bad I didn't care about anyone or anything anymore.

I begged God to take me and, yeah, that's when you know things weren't good.

This is going to get a bit personal and maybe even a bit off track but I want to include it just in case any of you are struggling out there with any situation: mental, emotional, physical or spiritual even. Whatever the case may be.

So here it goes...

After my horrid prayers, I had a dream where I saw Jesus, and His gaze was piercing into my very soul.

I remember it clear as day, he was in a cave dimly lit by candles and there were chiavari chairs lined up in neat rows. He was standing at a massive podium at the front of the audience—which were only around eight other souls besides mine. His Hands were on either side of the podium as one of His Holy apostles was interceding on my behalf. In case you all are wondering I believe it was St. Jude as he was dressed in white and green. His eyes kept on penetrating into me and finally, He walked up to me and whispered, "Spirit, Spirit, Spirit...Up."

His voice was firm but soft.

I'm not going to say the thoughts stopped coming after that because they did but to this day, it's what I tell myself and I am here to tell all of you who are going through difficult situations...God is listening and He hears You. If you are like me and get your doubts? Please don't, He is listening and has you here for a purpose.

Who knows? I may end up writing a story about my mental health journey and Jesus one day. Would you all even be interested in that?

Okay, getting back on track...I just want you to know you're not alone!!!

Please Love Me was one of the most challenging stories I've ever had to write but I kept telling myself, "It will get better. They will have a happy ending and it will be worth it. The bad will pass."

And it did! I really hope you all enjoyed their ending! Maxon and Madison had a tough relationship and their happily ever after was a looong time coming.

God, I'm getting emotional. I always hear authors referring to characters and their stories as their babies and it's true! I can't. 😭😭😭

But what did you all think? Make sure to comment, vote, for the last time on this amazing couples' trilogy!

I may have a surprise posted next month! Something I know some of you were waiting for and it will happen! So stay tuned for that if you'd like!


Yes, if God allows, I will be posting Trinity's story next!

I am honestly sooo excited to get to hers!

It feels it will have a more enemies-to-lovers vibe to it so that should be interesting. Trinity is a strong character so I don't know if that comes as a surprise...

Okay, so to not make this too long, I would first and foremost like to thank God, for giving me the strength to push through this tough year. For never leaving my side and for always encouraging me when things get tough.

Second of all, I would like to thank all my readers who remained loyal and patient during this time of my life. Thank you so much for waiting for my stories, voting, commenting, motivating me, and encouraging me. To all my silent readers as well! You all are very much appreciated and I can't thank you all enough!

Thank you for being such key parts of my journey because if no one was interested in my stories? I probably would've given up a long time ago.

I really hope you all stick around for the next stories and before I forget, Happy Holidays!

Remember to enjoy this season, or heck, enjoy life! The Creator is watching!

PS. If you all have any questions feel free to comment here or send me a message through Wattpad. I'll be happy to answer any questions!

Happy Holidays everyone!



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