Chapter 1 - Maxon

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My eyes flutter open and the first thing I see is the bright white lights overhead.

My head spins with dizziness and suddenly, I feel nauseous.

"Oh, my sweet boy. Thank the Heavens you're awake." My mother's voice automatically registers in my head.

"Ma..." I croak out, closing my eyes again. I can't stand the light.

"Hold on, honey! I'll be right back. I'm going to go get the doctor."

I slowly nod, swallowing down the urge to throw up.

A door opens and closes and I know my Mama's left.

I take in a few deep breaths, trying to suppress the nausea and headache coming on. I lay there, hearing the beeping of my heart connected to the machine. A silent rhythm mimicking how very much alive I am.

After I feel my symptoms subside a bit, I groan, needing water.

I try sitting up as I spot the pitcher on a table nearby. I push past my brain fogged mind as I reach for it when the door suddenly slams open.

"Oh, my love!" A woman's voice says and I frown as I realize I can't place the accented tone.

Before I can grab my cup the figure hugs me to the point of suffocation. "My handsome baby! I was so damn worried! I thought I told you not to get hit!" I peer over at the beautiful woman and see her blonde locks hanging to just beneath her breasts, a pout on her face.

I grunt, laying back down.

"But I'm so happy to see you alive." She reaches out a hand and runs it down my face. I close my eyes. Not knowing who she is and why she's touching me. It's clear she's not a nurse so I rasp out, "Who are you?"

Her clear blue eyes widen for a split second before she bursts out laughing as if I'm playing a joke on her.

"Ha ha, very funny Maxon Blake." She runs her hands down my chest and I grunt in pain. "Please don't touch me. I'm very bruised right now."

She frowns but stops her movements.

"Stop fucking around, Maxon." She glares at me and I can't believe how easily she changed her mood. She was acting all loving and caring one second and the next she's making demands?

"I'm not fucking around. Who the hell are you?"

She crosses her arms across her ample cleavage, making them jut out more but my eyes remain steady on her furious face.

"I'm your fianceé." I stare at her blankly, as if that is supposed to mean anything to me then I burst out laughing.

Her glare intensifies. "You don't believe me?" She holds out a long, manicured hand showcasing a beautiful diamond ring on her finger.

I wince at the piece of jewelry on her.

She throws me a smirk as she explains. "We've been dating since freshman year of college. We had a few disagreements, started seeing other people for a few years, but we found our way back to each other. It was destiny, Maxon."

I frown, "If it was destiny then how come I don't remember you? I mean, you should've made a big enough impact to still be in mind after a few hits right? I remember everyone but you."

She stiffens and her hands go to her sides, curling into tight fists. "Everyone, you say?"

I nod. "My mom, Luke, Lincoln, Vanessa, the team, everyone from high school but you. Was our relationship that bad it didn't last a hit?"

She ignores what I say and asks instead. "Is that all who you remember?"

My brows furrow. "Am I missing anyone? Did I meet anyone new before the accident?"

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