Chapter 11 - Madison

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The day goes by slowly.

So slow I try not to keel over from boredom.

The house is impeccably clean, I even went over the floors and counters a few times and organized everything just because. I worked out, read a book, laid in bed, spoke with V and my family, and am now laying here in bed listening to music.

Normally, I would find a Saturday night like this relaxing but this isn't my home to simply unwind in, it's Maxon's.

Speaking of, the man in question hasn't even texted once since he let me know he wouldn't be coming back for the entire weekend yesterday.

I heave out a loud sigh.

What a mess.

If only I hadn't reacted that way but it's no excuse, I was professional, he was—well Maxon just was.

Turned on of all things and crap if I haven't been scolding myself for wanting him.

It scared me, that I was willing to look past his relationship to be with him. Touch him, kiss him, confide everything I've undergone since he left me.

The feeling was so strong I had to leave.

Only for him to actually leave his own home.

He apologized but do I actually want it?

Does this mean he's really moved on?

Or is he just keeping up his side of the rules I made?

Tossing my phone to the side I sit up and decide there's no better time.

I'm going out.

My stomach drops at the idea of heading out on my own. But—wait.

I vaguely recall a message from Ari—the makeup artist who helped do my photo shoot back in the Fall for GQ with Maxon—saying he would be in Boston around this time.

I reach for my phone again and text him.

Me: Hey Ari, what's up?

What's up? Seriously, that's the best you've got? Ugh, I really need Vanessa right now. I have no idea how to text someone and let them know if they want to go on a night out.

The three dots immediately show up and my brows raise at his speediness.

Ari: Girl, who's party are we crashin'?

I giggle. I knew he would be up for anything.

Me: Ari, you remember I told you I would be in Boston for the next month right?

Ari: Yea with that fine ass man of yours ;) so what's cookin' between u? Been making babies or what?

I blow out a long breath and it actually takes me a bit to reply back.

Ari doesn't know, I reason. He doesn't know Maxon and I are no longer together. He doesn't know I lost our child.

Me: Um no. He's actually out

I don't give him further information as I ask,

Me: So what do you say to going out tonight?

Jesus, who have I become? I regret it the moment I ask but his reply is quick,

Ari: Do u even have to ask Girlie? Of course, I'll be your plus one. Tell me what time.

I bite down on my lip.

No going back now.

Me: What about in 45 minutes?

This time it takes him a while but I finally see the bubbles show up,

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