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"Maxon and Madison Blake are approaching the studio." My co-worker, Sam, informs me and I startle with both nerves and excitement as I've been waiting for this moment for months.

"I'll be right there!"

I peek at myself in the mirror. Red curls are perfectly styled and eyeliner is on point. "Now, Raina, you can do this. It's just Madison and Maxon Blake." I give myself my usual pep talk before interviewing big celebs. "Not like they aren't the hottest couple in the whole country or anything. No, you've got this. You've got this girl."

"Approaching." My co-worker knocks on the door again and I shout back, "I'm coming, Sam!"

Plastering a grin on my face, it quickly turns genuine at the sight of the one and only Madison Blake taking in the studio and all the staff and camera crew.

She's beautiful. Her golden-brown hair is styled in simple waves and her eyes are as bright as diamonds.

"Wow," She tells her handsome husband who's staring at her with nothing more than love. "I don't know why I still get surprised by all of this. The amount of work that goes behind a simple interview that only lasts a few minutes? They deserve more credit than what they normally get"

"Stay humble, sweetheart." Maxon Blake leans over to kiss her on the temple and my heart squeezes because the love they have is palpable from all the way across the room.

"Hey guys," I greet the hot couple and extend my hand, "My name is Raina, Raina Wells. Nice to meet you both! We have been looking forward to this interview for months!"

"Maxon Blake and this is my gorgeous, wife, Madison Blake."

"Nice to meet you." She greets me sweetly and my head reels at the act.

Damn, they are both so kind and emanate a deep warmth. Many don't even bother with pleasantries. They just want to start the interview and get it over with.

"Alright, well we won't waste much of your time. The crew has already set everything up. Do you want to read over the questions before to see if they are okay or..."

I hand the flashcards over to Maxon and then to Madison but he only shakes his head. "Let's keep it original. I want to be surprised when my girl is asking me the questions." He winks at her and may as well have winked at me with how my stomach flipped. How does the girl do it? Having a man look at her like that? "That way she knows just how well I know her."

Madison's cheeks darken and I realize she isn't immune to his charm. Husband or not.

Damn, I want that one day.

"Alrighty then. Follow me?" I lead them to the chairs set in the center of the studio.

"Okay," I begin to explain the rule of the games. "You will each ask each other twenty questions. Madison, you will read the question and if Maxon gets the answer correct, he gets one point. Maxon, same thing. You ask Madison a question and if she answers correctly she gets a point."

"No correct answers, no points, I'm assuming?" He asks and I bob my head up and down, my body shivering at his intense gaze. "You're assuming correctly."

I clear my throat as he turns his eyes to his woman. "Ready, sweetheart?"

"Bring it, Blake."

He grins at her and teases, "Someone's confident."

She only lifts up a shoulder. "After being together for three years I would say so. I'm more concerned for you though."

"Oh, you think I don't know you? Bring it than, Mrs. Blake." He smirks at her and I clear my throat before announcing, "Okay, are we ready to get started?"

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