Chapter 2 - Madison

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Vanessa and I walk down the sterile hospital hallway, feet away from the room Maxon's staying in. My heart beating erratically as we near the door.

Thirty steps away.

Twenty steps away.

Vanessa walks with an urgency to her step as we hurry along the empty hospital halls. Considering the time I'm not surprised there is no one other than a few nurses and doctors.

Ten steps away.

Five steps away.

My heart feels as if it will come out of my chest. I can't. I can't do this. What if she's there?

I come to an abrupt stop as Vanessa raises her hand to knock on the door.

"I can't do this." I barely whisper the words but she hears me amongst the stillness of the sterile halls.

"Madi." She walks back to me and pulls me in for a hug.

Tears stream down my face. It hurts. Knowing what our lives have become.

Mrs. Blake contacted me shortly after Vanessa's call with Luke urging me to come see Maxon and keep her company. As much as I wanted to be here, I reminded her her son and I weren't together anymore. She ended up surprising me when she said she wasn't aware her son and I weren't together anymore. I found it a bit odd. It's been over a month, why would Maxon not tell her? But she insisted I come over to Boston to be there if not for her son for her.

Also hearing that Maxon wanted to see me I convinced myself they may have heard correctly. Could there actually be a chance he still cares for me?

So here I am. That was enough to motivate me stomach curdles at the memory of Natasha's message.

Delirious. Maxon was most likely delirious when he said my name and doubts are taking over.

"Vanessa, I can't go in there. What if-what if Natasha is inside?" I spin around to go back in the direction we came from. "I need to leave."

I walk a few steps when she rushes over to my side. "Mad, you can't! And if the bitch is there I'll beat her ass. She won't live to see another day. Trust me, Luke's taught me a move or five."

A small smile graces my face at her ability to stand up for me but, "Vanessa, she has more right to be here than I do. She's the love of—"

"WRONG!" She snaps. "You were the mother of his—"

I shoot her a glare and walk over to cover her mouth. "Shh, I don't want him hearing!"

What seems like guilt washes over her face. "Um, of course. Right. Sorry but..." she glances around and leans in. "It's the truth, Mad. You lost your baby because of her. You have more right to be here than she does and..." she scowls. "I don't believe for a fucking second that he loves her. She is misery wrapped in a beautiful present. Maxon won't buy it."

I stare at her. Torn on what to feel. "I just wouldn't want to cause any drama. Or problems. I think it's best if I..."

A door clicks closed and Vanessa and I spin to see Lincoln Grant and Luke standing there. The former stands there in surprise while the ladder strides over to us. To me.

"Madison," he pulls me in for a hug and I feel overwhelmed by the power with which he's holding me. "I have never, ever been so happy to see you."

I expect Vanessa to intervene with one of her usual remarks but to my surprise she remains silent.

Footsteps grab my attention and I see Lincoln standing there. I haven't seen him since he offered Maxon his beach home for the month when he was out in Cali.

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