Chapter 22 - Madison

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Maxon drives me, Luke, and Isaiah over to the airport the very next morning.

When he mentioned he wanted to tell the guys about what was happening I refused. Not because I didn't want them to know but because it's not really their problem. It's mine.

Maxon argued that he would feel better knowing my family and I had the help and was sure the guys wouldn't mind flying on such short notice. And they didn't and for that I'm grateful.

I'm grateful, I truly am but I really wish things didn't have to be this way. Boy do I wish they didn't.

Maxon gives me one last kiss goodbye. "I'll fly over as soon as I can." He informs me, his arms going around my waist. I wish Maxon could come but Lincoln called him last night informing him he would be flying in soon with an FBI friend of his who apparently can help Maxon open a case against a certain someone. But that's beside the point right now. Right now, I need to take advantage of the last few minutes with my man.

Maxon squeezes gently on my hips as our lips graze each other's, "I'll be there to help and support you in whatever way I can."

"You've already done so much, Maxon."

He has. He really, really has. I have no idea how I can ever begin to repay him.

He reaches a hand up to cup my face, "Not when it comes to you." He leans into drop another soft kiss across my lips and I lean into him. Savoring the softness yet masculinity of his persona.

"I love you," He whispers against my lips and I hold him tight to me.

"Flight UA 311 to Los Angeles California will be boarding in five minutes." One of the employees announces and I pull back and meet Luke and Isaiah's faces who are standing a few feet away, having giving Maxon and I space. They grin politely and I meet Maxon's gaze one last time telling him with every fiber of my being, "I love you too, Mi Amor. Stay safe."

Another deep kiss and I'm waving goodbye at the man I love.

To think when I landed in Boston dread was the only emotion I felt and now I feel nothing but love for him, my family, and the men who will board on this impromptu flight with me.


The minute we land in California we rent out a car. It doesn't take long since the female was all for ogling Luke and Isaiah.

We arrive at my childhood home in little to no time and I knock on the door not knowing what to expect.

Everything's been happening so quickly I've barely had time to mentally prepare.

Moments later, the woman who means the world to me opens the door appearing as if she just returned from a regular outing to the grocery store.

If it weren't for Trinity's call I never would've suspected something like this was happening. Everything seems normal. A good normal but I know better.

"Hola, Ma." I greet.

"Hola mi cielo," Her eyes soften as she takes me in but then they drag to the two men behind me. I see her eyes recognize Luke but not Isaiah. Her brown eyes round when they land on the ladder and I know it's his height that's gotten to her. He's around 6'6 so I know it's not something she's used to. I bite down on my lip worrying if the man will even fit through the door.


"Hola, Maria," Luke greets my mother with a grin. "How have you been? Sorry, dumb question. Where can we begin?" He reiterates and Isaiah holds out his hand, "Hola, Mrs. Rosales, soy Isaiah Kingston. Un teammate de Maxon y Luke. I came with Madison to help you with the move." He flashes a bright smile and my mom, Luke and I gawk at him. My mom I'm pretty sure because of his good looks but I'm sure Luke and I are gawking because...what? Isaiah speaks great Spanish? Since when? How come I didn't know this?

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