Chapter 19 - Maxon

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The second I step foot into the foyer my eyes narrow in on William Lane. The very man who wanted to steal my woman.

I smirk as I meet his gaze knowing he won't have a chance with her. I'm not exactly sure why he's here but I have a pretty good damn idea.

"Lane." I incline my head, acknowledging his presence in my home.

He stands there with his hands tucked into his sweat pockets, face unreadable, "Blake, how are you?"

"What are you doing here?" I ask instead, getting straight to the point.

"I was just telling Coach he's a mind reader or something," Luke snickers from my right,
"Arrived just on time."

"What are you doing here," I repeat, not a question this time. Luke catches the tone in my voice and I feel his gaze bounce between both of us, quirking a brow as his eyes meet Lane's.

"I came by to see how you were doing. I texted Madison a few times but she never got back to me."

Luke's other brow rises and he shakes his head,
"Woah hold up! You texted Madison? Maxon's woman?"

My face tightens. At least the ass didn't lie. That much.

Lane's face whips toward Luke and he proceeds to scan the house, "wait, Maxon's woman? Madison said you were broken up."

His brows draw together and Luke snorts, "Newsflash Coach, they never stopped loving each other. So obviously something was bound to happen when put under the same roof." Luke stops then, "Wait, I'm confused. Why do you care? What the fuck am I missing here?" His sky-blue eyes meet mine but a soft nudge has me glancing down at Madison who's leaning into my side, smiling up at me. I grin, pressing a kiss to her temple.

Her eyes meet Lane's.

"Hey," she says and I watch as he visibly swallows. Being the ass I can be, I wrap my arms around her—avoiding the urge to wince at my left arm—and pull her closer to me until she's entirely tucked against my front, her back to me.

I rest my chin atop her head as my girl asks,
"What are you doing here?"

"I came to see you guys. I wanted to see how Blake was doing. I texted you but—" he looks at me then lowers his voice, "you haven't responded to any of my messages. I wanted to see if everything was alright."

I stiffen at what the ass was probably insinuating. That I had done something to hurt Madison.

My jaw hardens as Madison's sweet voice fills the foyer, "I've been busy. A lot has happened and—" her eyes meet mine, her gaze soft and I can't help but soften mine with hers. "I'm sorry. I was planning on texting soon to talk about some things."

Luke's eyes move from me to Madison, to Coach, and back again, he shakes his head, "Yo what the fuck am I missing here?"

Madison meets his frowning gaze and says, "Call your sister."

He raises a brow and meets my eyes, I shrug.

"Dude," he pulls out his phone and begins dialing Vanessa.

He walks out of the room and only the three of us are left. I glance back feeling someone's eyes on me and watch as Ari jerks back behind the wall, a bit too late.
I glance in his general direction and when I see he's no longer peeping, I address Lane.

"I call bullshit Lane, you did not come all the way out here to see me."

He frowns, "I'm not lying. I've come here before."

"Not in years you haven't." Since my rookie years to be exact. At first when I was having trouble getting the hang of things in the business he offered a lot of guidance and advice but ever since I began dating Madison and him trying to make a move when I turn my back—unwillingly—he makes a move. So pardon the fuck out of me if I don't believe his pretty ass.

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