Chapter 23 - Maxon

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"We don't really have much to go off of." Lincoln's friend, Jacob, tells me the same disheartening words Mr. Chase Carter, Luke's father, relayed.

He must notice a change in my eyes since he adds, "Only Luke's recording which is a good start. We can begin to investigate and look into that. But that was one time. One threat. Something officials won't take too seriously."

I sigh, feeling frustrated. I feel we're spinning in circles here and there's nothing we can do about it.

It's been two days since Madison left and Lincoln, Jacob, and I have spent those days going over possible outcomes of how to bring Natasha down. Her stealing the ring means shit since we can just brush it off as her being my girlfriend. The public considers her and I a couple so technically she never stole anything.

"I'm sorry, Maxon," Jacob says apologetically, but that's not what I need. I need answers. I need a way out of this mess. "But the woman knows how to hide her shit. I won't give up though." He peeks at his watch and his dark eyes seek mine before glancing over at Lincoln who looks furious.  "I have to go, I actually have a few clients in the area and would like to meet up with them."

"I'll show you to the door." I nod and he gets up, shaking his head, "no need. I remember the way out."

Not a minute later he's out the door leaving Lincoln and I moping around.

"When is she back?" He asks.

"Tomorrow," I say, which is a miracle. She was due yesterday but her flight got delayed due to an unexpected storm surging.

Not that I'm complaining in the least.

Lincoln shakes his head back and forth as if he can't fathom how I've landed in this predicament in the first place. "Why don't you break up with her?"

"Trust me, I am." I sigh, leaning back in my chair. "Though we aren't even really together but yeah, I'll talk to her about it. See how she reacts."

Lincoln shakes his head once more. "Shit Max. I knew she was crazy since you met her in college. That greed really got to her and she doesn't care what she needs to do in order to get what she wants."

"Sometimes I feel guilty you know? She was so sweet and kind at the beginning of our relationship and somehow my status there turned her into the devil or some shit."

"Trust me you aren't to blame. She just had it hidden. You know the saying about looking like a model but underneath it's where the horns are hidden."

"Yeah," I agree, running a frustrated hand through my short hair.

"I'm pretty sure you were her target then I mean...fuck man, I'm sorry she's gotten in the way of your relationship with Madison. It's—she's a good woman and to have this sort of crazy bitches' threat loom over her head?" Another shake of his head.

"Trust me, that woman makes me want to drink until I'm shit-faced. I probably will do just that before she comes here tomorrow. Because she will."

Lincoln is quiet for a few seconds and I look at him warily. "What." Not a question.

"Hmm I'm just thinking..." he drums his fingers on the table. "Has she ever seen you drink before? I mean as far as I remember you never were one to like getting drunk to the point of losing consciousness ."

"I—no, I haven't." I scrunch up my brows trying to figure out where he's taking this.

"In a way, I'm sure she views you as her sugar daddy."

My face tightens at the term. "I'm no one's daddy. Linc, I'm not even old enough to be considered someone's 'sugar daddy' as you call it."

Lincoln snickers, "You get the point. She's a gold digger, bloodsucker, exploiter whatever you want to call it. She just wants to use you, Max, like she's always done."

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