Chapter 31 - Maxon

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A few weeks later...

"Are all of you ready?" I ask my girlfriend's family as one by one they carry their luggage to the foyer.

It's been two weeks since I surprised them all with a trip to Milan, Italy.

When I relayed the news to my mom she was over the moon especially when I informed her of my plans.

No one but her and Maria knows the truth though I have a sneaking suspicion Trinity may have an idea judging by the knowing way she looks at me.

I hope I'm not that obvious about how nervous I've been around the topic that's been a recent discussion in our family.

If Madison's sister has an idea than there's always a possibility Madison may know but I don't think that's the case.

Either way, my girl and I deserve a new beginning and I'll make sure it begins in my mother's place of birth.

The place where she and my father fell in love.

I have a no more perfect place to propose than there. A place of love where we are surrounded by our closest friends and family.

"Hold up a sec!" Liam announces and shouts, "Where's Mad? Ask her where she hid my laptop. I at least need that for gaming when I'm traveling."

"I'll ask her." I grin and head upstairs. I feel light as I approach our room but find it empty. My brows dip slightly together as I wonder where my girl is when I suddenly hear soft hurling.

It takes a second for me to comprehend what is happening but when it dawns...

My eyebrows immediately crease with concern because if my woman is not feeling well, how can we travel? How can I proceed with what I want to do? Asking her to be my wife?

"Mi amor?" I ask and sudden silence ensues. I knock on the door even more worried.

"Madison, are you alright?" My hand lands on the doorknob finding it locked.

A pause then, "Yeah, why wouldn't I be?"

My brows furrow at her clear lie and I ask, "May I come in?"

Another pause then I hear the door unlock and standing there, hair slightly disheveled and face pale is my girlfriend.
Immediately, I cross the threshold and pull her to me but she retracts a step.
"No, don't get near me. I smell and am a mess."

My brows dip as she flushes the toilet and proceeds to wash her hands.

She lathers them for a little too long and I walk up behind her, wrapping my arms around her and setting my chin on her shoulder.

"Mi amor, I smell."

"Tell me what's wrong." My eyes meet hers in the mirror. "Are you sick?"

Her eyes dip, blocking me from reading her.

She shuts off the water and then says, "Give me a second to brush my teeth. I don't want to give you the news while I smell."


My heart begins racing at her possibly being ill. Is she alright? Why hasn't she told me anything before?

She must see the thoughts racing through my mind because she settles her soft palms on my chest, "I promise it's nothing bad."


She gives me a soft smile and something lights up in her eyes, "Swear to Jesus Christ. It's nothing bad."

With that, I leave the bathroom but even though she's assured me it's nothing wrong, I pace around the room trying to figure out why she was throwing up.

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