Chapter 13 - Madison

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"I just don't understand..." I tell Vanessa as I walk around the park. Luke decided to take Maxon over to his doctor's appointment today and I'm taking the chance to explain everything to Vanessa.

After briefly discussing whether I wanted to continue working with Maxon, I accepted. Despite his lies, I did promise Mrs. Blake I would help her with her son and I am NOT breaking my promises despite Maxon's lies.

I just don't understand why he would lie to his fiancée. They're engaged dammit! He never lied to me. At least, as far as I knew. God, this is messing with my head!

"What do I do?!" I frantically ask Vanessa for her much-needed advice and also because this is partly happening because of her. "I'm so confused, V. Why would Maxon lie to Natasha? She has the right to know I'm working with him!"

"First of all," I hear her bite into her crunchy food and frown, "Calm down. Him lying to her isn't the end of the world considering she threatened you off her man." I grip onto my phone, clinging to it like a lifeline. "Second of all, karma. She lies. He lies. It's the way of the world."

"Vanessa..." I groan, not really finding her insight helpful at the moment.

"Mm, hold on. Your mom's tacos are just so delicious and crunchy! Wait, I'm going to go thank her!" I hear a shuffle then, "Gracias, Señora!"

My mom, "Cuantas veces te he dicho––"

"Maria! Gracias, Maria!"

I bite down on my lip to keep from laughing at the note of fear in Vanessa's voice at the sound of my mother's scolding.

It's not long after I hear a door slamming shut. "Shit, I had to come outside or else your mom would hit me with that kitchen towel of hers."

I chuckle. "You know she wouldn't do that."

"True but she's looking especially–erm,"

I lean into the phone, something in her tone grabbing my attention, "My mom is looking what?"

My mind starts racing and I can't help it, like every other good child who loves their mom, I worry. She is my everything and if something happens to her–

"Stop those wheels from turning," V's voice cuts me off, "I can hear them across the country. She's fine, Mad. Healthy. The same strong woman. It's just–she got in a little disagreement with Liam. Yeah! That."

I frown, "You're a horrible liar, Vanessa. Tell me, what is truly going on."

"Eh, um." I hear the sliding door open and then Trinity takes the phone, "Madi, hey, everything is fine. Mom is just...she lost her job and is a bit upset."

I sink into a nearby bench. I decided to get out of the house a bit and came to the nearest local park but hearing this? I kinda wish I could be back home now. "She lost her job?" I whisper and Trinity hesitates then answers just as softly, "Yes. But don't worry! Leah and I are working on providing––"

"I will send over money," I answer and she shouts. "No! We got it. That money is for you, Mad."

"That money is for all of us," I say, and relief washes over me. I'm so, so thankful I decided to continue working for my ex. We need that money now more than ever.

"Okay," She concedes and I tell her I'll send her money over tonight, I know rent is due in a few weeks. "Well, don't worry about us." She adds "That's all the concern. We are all happy and proud of you, Madi."

My heart melts at Trinity's kind words. "Thank you, T. Now, please, hand the phone back to Vanessa."

"Hey," V's voice comes back on the line and I say, "All I can say is thank God I decided to stay."

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