Chapter 17 - Madison

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A few days go by of Maxon and I being in our own little world. Keeping conversation light and simply basking in each other's company. It's peaceful until it isn't.

I walk into Maxon's room, a soft grin on my face, giddy to bring breakfast up to him when the look on his face has me faltering. I can't help it, my mind begins spinning with the worst possible scenario.

Is everything alright?
Is he going to up and shout that all of this was a ruse? A sick sort of joke?

He takes in the look on my face and I'm spinning around ready to head back down to the kitchen and gather my composure when his arm stops me.

"Hey, is that for me?" he offers me a small grin and I see he's trying to distract me. No bad news then, good.

I nod my head up and down walking back into his room to set down the tray on his bedside. "Who else would it be for?" I quirk a brow and he offers me a small grin, "Mind sharing with me?"

My brows dip, "I made this for you." He sits down and pulls me onto his lap. He threads his fingers through my hands and drops a gentle kiss onto my lips. The rest of my tension eases and I fully melt into him. My long sleeve slips a little and I feel his thumb caress over my delicate wrist.

Maxon stiffens then brings my hand up to his. A deep blush suffuses my cheeks as he takes in the gold bracelet he gifted me with the words Mi Amor imprinted for my twenty-third birthday. "You still wear it?" His voice comes out low and raspy and it seems to settle in my core. My body trembles lightly as his dark emeralds meet mine. "I did," I whisper, "but after losing my baby I found it anchored me and," I bite down lightly on my lip, feeling embarrassed. "It made me feel closer to you."

Soon he has me on my back and is settled between my legs pushing into me. "Fuck, Madison...I wish I could be inside you right now." His lips skim my face causing another waves of goosebumps to erupt over my face. "You-I-" I stutter.

"I wish I could've been there for you," The agony in his features has me reaching up and cupping his beautiful face. "Maxon, stop. You're here now," I lean up to pepper kisses all over his face until I feel his features relax under my touch.

"It breaks me to see you this way," His voice breaks and my heart cracks at the broken words. "Maxon..."

"I want to comfort you but I don't know how."

I realize then that when I came in I caught him in a vulnerable state. He's been strong for me these past few days but still he worries. He cares and loves me so much it's destroying him to see me this way. Add Natasha to the fact...

No, I won't think about her.
I won't allow him or myself to burden ourselves with her.

"Lie down." I say not knowing where I'm getting this courage from, "Madison?"

His face contorts with confusion and I press lightly on his chest until he gets up and lays on his back. I straddle his waist and he shakes his head, "Madison,"

"Shhh, I'm not going to do anything."

He groans and settles his good arm on my left hip. "Fuck, beautiful, you look..."

"Maxon," I lean over him until my lips graze his, "Please don't be too hard on yourself. I've been doing a lot of reflection since I told you and..." I blow out a breath, "only God knows why I lost my baby."

He grunts, "You mean, our baby. She was mine too."

Surprise takes over me and I whisper, "She..."

He lifts up a shoulder, "Can I admit I was hoping we would have a girl first?"

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