Chapter 25 - Madison

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"Liam, turn that music down!" I shout because the boy has an entire reggaetón mix blaring across the house I can barely hear myself think.

We've been here for a few days and the house is ginormous. With ten bedrooms, twelve and a half bathrooms, a living room, family room, dining room, a modern kitchen that Trinity went cuckoo for, a library/office, theater, a game room the guys immediately got to use, and finally the garden. It's ten thousand square feet and, Jesus, I still don't know how Maxon managed to land this gorgeous home so fast.

It was more than we could ask for and to be honest, I'm not sure how long we will last here. My mom seemed pretty against it claiming we don't need this much space and the monthly payments will probably be through the roof.

My siblings, though, are definitely not complaining.

Take Liam for instance, he has now bought speakers and is blaring them extremely loud.

Leah has taken up residence upstairs where a built-in bookshelf encompasses her room.

My mom and Trinity are at work while Isaiah and I put some items away. Luke and Vanessa went out to grab some food a little over an hour ago and I wonder what's taking them so long.

It shouldn't take them this long unless they went to grab some In-n-Out which Liam would definitely appreciate.

I place my mom's delicate rooster in the kitchen just as Isaiah emerges from the family room. "Well, everything is put away for the most part. Your mom said to leave some boxes unpacked but..." he gestures at the empty living space. "Well, there really isn't anything to sit on."

"We have those. That's enough."

Isaiah quirks up a dark brow, "A few plastic chairs aren't enough. Know what? I'll take you shopping for new furniture. My housewarming gift."

"Mala mia si te falle, baby soy como soy así muero. De la calle me enamore. No cambie."

"Liam!" Leah shouts, voice sounding furious as I watch her stomp down the stairs. "Turn that music down!"

My younger brother just continues his singing as he sets up his gaming system, "Tengo malos hábitos, pero los pago."

I know better than to interfere in an argument between my siblings so I standby as Leah silently fumes. I'm assuming she was reading because that's the only time she gets this pissy about loud music.

A new song begins to play shortly after and Isaiah bobs his head along to the rhythm, "These songs are fire."

Liam turns up the music even louder when he hears Isaiah's compliment and Leah's high pitch shriek is so loud that all of us have to cover our ears--if our eardrums don't pop from Liam's music first. "Liam! Turn it the fuck down? I'm trying to read! Fuck, are you trying to wake up the dead?"

"I'm sure they are partying along with me." He smirks and I shake my head ready to reach for the remote any second now.

"Why are you listening to these songs, Liam?" My sister demands.

The beat changes and he begins singing along, "las babies no se despegan de mi mesa, ey...le subo el traje y la pongo contra la mesa eh!"

I peek over at Leah who looks about ready to slap some common sense into my brother and know that's my cue to intervene. "Liam," I try this time but he goes into rapper mode and I know there is no reasoning with him.

"Ya no me quedo ronco el público toda' me las canta,"

"Oh my God." I groan, as he begins rapping along to the song.

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