Chapter 5 - Maxon

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I stumble into my room and onto the bed.

"Ma..." I try to fight my exhaustion so I can tell her once and for all what my plan to get rid of Natasha for good is but she quiets me.

"Shhh, hon. Go to bed."

"But I need to tell you something."

"You can tell me tomorrow, God willing." She leans down and plants a kiss on my forehead. "Get some rest. That's what your body needs." I feel her drape the sheets and comforter over me and I'm a goner.

I don't even hear her leave the room.

Soft light filters in through the curtains. A complete opposite from the thundering in my head and body.

Fuck. I feel like I got run over by a damn train.

I groan and drape an arm over my eyes. The light isn't helping.

The door opens and in comes Luke wearing only an apron and a chef's hat. Lincoln is in the back dressed in an actual chef's coat.

I groan again as Luke greets in a French accent. "Your breakfast monsieur."

"Guys." Luke brings over the tray while Lincoln sets up the table. "Please tell me you didn't cook that."

Luke grins and Lincoln shakes his head. "Boys the food have better made it safely." My mom comes in after them with my pills and a glass of water. "Good morning sweetie." She smiles softly at me and walks over to drop a kiss on my head.

"What is happening here? Am I dreaming?" I would pinch myself but my left arm is already out of commission.

"The boys decided to bring you breakfast up. They helped a bit downstairs."

"You mean you forced us," Luke adds, and my mom grins. "You all need to learn how to cook. Almost thirty and still getting takeout?"

"Pfff. I'm only twenty-four. Linc over here is the old man." Luke jerks a thumb over at Lincoln who rolls his eyes. "I'm one year older than you guys."

"Exactly! An entire 365 days! Meaning you'll reach thirty one year before me, old man. I'll still be in my twenties."

"Oh yeah? What about 365 days later? You'll be thirty old man." Lincoln tosses the words back at him and they begin to argue over their age.

"Thank you for the service boys." My mom enunciates. "Now if you don't mind I'd like to spend some time with my son."

They nod and Luke flourishes. "Your wish is my command, Madame Blake. Enjoy your stay."

With a bow, he's gone and I see him only wearing boxers that hug his behind extremely tight. I roll my eyes and my mom gasps.

"Did you not notice?" I ask her after I make sure the food is safe. I know those two and who knows what they could've done with it on the way here. "Luke is entertaining I'll give him that. But no, I didn't. I'm sure as soon as I call Liliana she'll have something to say about it."

I snort, knowing Luke's mom will probably scold him for walking around naked around my mother. The two of them are great friends and I'm hoping they see each other this trip. It's been a while.

"I'm sure that will go over well." I chuckle and take a bite of my omelet. I'm a good cook but whenever my Ma is here I prefer for her to take charge.

"Mmhm. I'm sure I would also give you a good scolding prior to your situation since you know, you apparently took a hit before this one," I roll my eyes and she goes on. "Son, explain to me why you even thought marrying Natasha was a great idea." She waits patiently while I eat and take my pills. I need them if I'm going to dive into my insane idea.

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