Chapter 27 - Maxon

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"God, what a fucking mess." Luke shakes his head as he sits on the plastic chair Madison recently vacated.

After the heavy news, Trinity and Leah immediately proceeded to light incense around the entire house while Isaiah offered to play video games with Liam who appeared sick at the news.

I'm with Lincoln and Luke staring at my girl who's pacing around the living room, looking anxious.

Lincoln catches my eye and gestures at her.

I walk over to her and hug her from behind, "Maxon–"

"Do you want to get out of here for a few?"

She hesitates and whispers, "I can't just leave my siblings–"

Trinity and Leah enter the living room with the incense then and the former says having heard, "Mad, you literally left the state and we were fine. What's a trip around the city?"

Leah giggles as Trinity rolls her eyes. Walking over she begins cleansing us with the smoke. "Here, this should help clear out the negative vibes a bit."

The soft but potent scent fills the room and when Trinity turns her back to him, Luke quietly gets up and off the chair trying to make a run for it but Trinity turns around and spots him, "And where do you think you're going? Sit back down so you don't spread the bad energy around the house."

"Dammit, T. I thought I would make it out on time without you noticing me." Luke grunts as he plops back down on the chair.

Trinity raises a dark brow, "Seriously? I'm not even going to mention your height because you will apply that to other places."

Luke smirks as he leans back in the plastic chair. "Aww, you know me so well. Do you study me that much?"

Trinity frowns and mutters, "I hope the chair breaks."

"What was that?"

Lincoln stares at her as she approaches him, an indifferent look on his face. She meets him with the same emotion, incense stick in hand she asks, "Are you going to try to make a run for it too or what?"

"Nah, I'm no pussy like Carter over here."

Luke frowns, "Now Grant, it's not my fault you don't get–"

"Please stop," Trinity says as Leah eyes the encounter with nothing short of fascination.

"Behave or leave." Trinity tells the guys and just as she walks out with Leah in tow she mutters, "Bunch of idiots."

Madison is still in my arms and my gaze drops back to her once her siblings leave. I see her eyes have been closed the entire time. She obviously heard the small encounter but is showing no reaction whatsoever.

My heart breaks as I tighten my arms around her, shaking her lightly.

"Hey, everything alright?" I ask and at the tone in my voice, I watch the guys get up and walk out of the room without saying or sparing us a look.

"Yeah, I just...can we get out of here? Only for a bit."

She doesn't have to tell me twice.

Despite Trinity's incense, I feel like I'm suffocating in the ginormous place.

"Let's go."


Madison and I walk hand in hand down the beach where I first asked her to be my girlfriend. The second we left the house the place came to mind and I suggested we come over here. The place brings back one of the most beautiful memories of my life.

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