Bonus Chapter

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Meet all grown up and gorgeous Aurora. She makes a cameo in the October and April book, linking that book with this one.

Aurora will get her own book, so check out my profile and look for it!


Ever since that day on the beach, Aurora hasn't been the same. She is out late, comes home drunk... or high.

"Oh! Hey dad!" Her hangover voice makes me frown with annoyance and disappointment.

"Great party, again?" I ask her, sarcasm laced in my voice.

"Could you keep your voice down? My head is exploding!" She says and pours herself some coffee. I walk towards the window and pull the curtains away, to let all the sun shine in. She hides her face, frowning.

"It's a wonderful day outside!" I say almost shouting and open the window as well so the noise of the city comes inside.

"Fine! I get it! You are mad!" She says and I scoff at her words. Mad doesn't even begin to describe it.

"I'm disappointed!" I tell her and she rolls her eyes.

"Come on, dad! What else do you want me to do? Play with some magic again? I already did and it let me to killing my cousin. What else is there to do with magic if not evil?" She asks me and my heart hurts at her words.

"Honey, your magic is good and pure!" I tell her and she looks away to hide her tears.

"No! Magic is demanding and consuming for my soul! I don't want it!" She says and my heart breaks a little more at her words.

"You can also do good things with it!" I tell her and she finally looks at me again with her eyes red from lack of sleep and unshead tears.

"Well, we will never know, will we? It's gone anyway!" She tells me.

"What do you mean, gone?" I ask her visibly concerned.

"It's gone! After I killed Vittor, I contacted your friend, the elf one. I don't remember her name."

"No! No!" I say with despair.

"What have you done?" My voice booms in the kitchen, making Clara finally join us.

"Why are you yelling at each other this early in the morning?" She comes in and throws me a glare.

"Ask your daughter what she did! Ask her!" I tell her, my anger taking over me.

"What did you do, honey?" She turns to Aurora that is hiding her eyes from her.

"I gave away my magic." Her voice is small, like a whisper, as she admits to the stupidity of her actions in front of her mother.

"What? Why?" Clara asks shocked.

"Because my magic killed a person, mom! Because every time I close my eyes I see myself containing Vittor in that ball of seawater and that stake going through his heart!" She says and finally drops down her defense and breaks down in tears. Clara pulls her in her arms and strokes her hair.

"My baby! Shhh! It will be okay! You have a wonderful life ahead of you! You can become whatever you want!" She coes her and looks at me with tears in her eyes.

The twins open the door to come into the kitchen but I signal them to leave us alone and they back down.

"If it is OK with you, I would like to move into Amalia's old apartment and take over Bisou." She says and I finally go and hug her as well. My little girl is broken right now and I need to understand her needs instead of lashing out my feelings towards her actions.

"Sure, honey! I only ask of one thing from you!" I tell her as we all break our embrace.

"What?" She asks me with a hint of hope in her eyes.

"That you please go get help!" I tell her and she frowns.

"Help, as in therapy?" She asks me half mocking.

"Yes! Therapy! You need to deal with your trauma!" I tell her and she frowns even more.

"I already did!" She pushes back and I chuckle nervously her words. Don't lose your cool, Gabriel! Keep it together!

"Giving up your magic and drinking your mind away is not dealing with it!" I say as calmy as possible, but my voice still sounds menacing.

"It's my life! I will deal with things however I want!"

"Well, it's either therapy or nothing! Your cards will be frozen starting this moment!" I say, finally losing my temper. Clara looks at me worried.

"Gabe!" She tries to speak but I signal her to shut up.

"No, Clara! She needs to understand that her stupid actions have consequences!" I tell her and turn my attention to Aurora again.

"So, my pain is stupid to you!" She tries to turn this against me but I won't let her.

"The way you deal with your pain is stupid! And immature! And destructive! You don't have magic to heal your body anymore and you go on a rampage of alcohol and drugs! So yes, that makes it stupid!" I finish talking and her lips form a thin line. She doesn't have any other argument.

"Fine! Find me a therapist and I will go!" She tells me and I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. Clara goes and pulls her in another embrace.

"You can pack your things and move! I will let you know when I find your therapist." I tell her and she nods.

"Thank you, dad!" She says with tears in her eyes.

"You know I love you, right?" I ask her as she comes into my arms.

"I know! I love you too!"

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