Chapter 9

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I wake up in my room, with Vic sitting on a chair, looking at me.

"What did I tell you about other people? You can't touch other people! You wanted to go to that damned party and because of that I had to spend the last 3 days taking care of you! I'm getting really tired of this shit, Clara!"

He then gets up and leaves without letting me say another word. I start crying my eyes out as the flashes of my memories and visions come into my mind.

I let Luca kiss me... I wanted him to kiss me! And damn, it felt good. I've never felt such desire in my life! It was like my entire body lit up with electricity. It felt alive, it felt addictive. Vic has never kissed me like this. I've never felt such chemistry with him. Could I be wrong? Could I live a normal life? Should I let the future unfold itself and not try to stop it from happening?

But my visions took over again. I lost control over myself when he placed his hands underneath my chin. The visions... such violence... king Stafan was cutting off people's heads... and the baby... what baby is that?

"Knock, knock?" Gael's voice interrupts my thoughts.

"Hey." I give him a small smile.

"How are you feeling?" He asks me and sits down on the bed.

"Confused..." I am afraid to look him in the eyes.

"And why is that?" I can detect a hint of irony in his voice.

"Don't make me say it, please!" I almost whisper.

"Oh, I don't want to hear it, trust me. What you do with my brother is none of my concern." He says and I finally lift my head and look into his eyes. He has dark circles under those blue orbs and he looks tired.

"Nothing is going to happen between me and Luca." I tell him as convincing as possible.

"But you know it will! You've seen it! At least tell me why are you torturing yourself like this? Why don't you just leave Victor?" He asks bluntly.

"Because I will marry Victor. You've seen what happened with Luca. I don't want to become a hallo of myself, to be controlled by my visions!"

"You are lieing to yourself! You didn't see that happening in the future. I don't like the idea of you and my asshole brother together, but you are caging yourself with Victor. There is an entire world for you to see and experience and you choose to come home to that selfish looser."

"I am afraid, Gabriel!" I pull my knees to my chest and hide my head.

"I know you are. But I won't tell you what to do anymore. You know this is not right. You need to choose your path."

"I choose Victor!" I tell him, while looking away from him.

"Yeah, right! Wish I could believe you, sugarcup!" He touches my cheek and makes me look at him.

"You know I love you, right?" He asks me with his usual smirk.

"And I love you too." I smile at him and he kisses my forehead for a second too long and leaves.


The last three days have been hell for me. All I did was wonder the hallways, pulling my hair and drinking every bottle of alcohol I could get my hands on. Not being close to her, not being able to visit her, kills me inside. It is making me lose my mind.

I can't sleep, I can't eat, I can't function. How come I feel so many things with so little attention from her side. She keeps running away from me and all I want is to hold her in my arms and never let her go. Somehow, I feel very protective over her, very possessive.

Why am I like this? I don't understand what's happening with me. All I know is I feel like going to her house and kill that bastard she said she is to marry.

"I'm fucked." I tell myself as I empty the last bottle of wine in the house.

"You're not fucked." Gael's voice startles me.

"Haven't you heard of knocking?" I mutter.

"Haven't you heard of alcohol poisoning?" He mocks me and takes the glass away from my hand.

"Just let me drown my sorrows!"

"Drinking your mind away won't change the fact that you have fallen in love with this woman!" He tells me with his usual patronising tone.

"Have you sniffed some weird herbs of yours? I'm not in love with her!" I tell him and start pacing the room again.

"Believe me, I am not happy about this either, but it is the truth. The future will happen not matter how hard we try to stop it."

"What future? What are you talking about?" I ask him at the edge of my patience.

"That is for me to know and for you to find out, little brother! But remember one thing: if you hurt her, I will kill you!" His face is dead serious.

"What the fuck is wrong with you? We are brothers and just because you were born 5 minutes before, it doesn't give you the right to speak to me like this!" I stand before him more confused and angrier than ever.

"Well, if you value our bond that much, start thinking about ways to help Clara with her visions. I don't think your dick can fix her." He mocks me again.

"You never know! It might just do the trick." I mock him back.

"Narcissistic bastard!"

"I love you too, big bro! Nice chatting with you." I tell him and show him the door.

He gets up from his chair and leaves my room without saying anything else. And just as he leaves, I realize I haven't asked about how Clara is feeling.

"Good job, Luca, you idiot!"

I groan and throw myself on the bed. This is going to be another long white night.

The wicked and the brave (Book 1- Valhireya Series- Completed)Where stories live. Discover now