Chapter 14

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"Luca... you shouldn't love me." She tells me after a few moments of silence.

"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?" I snap at her and she jumps a little from the bench. "I'm pretty sure you've already seen this happening in your visions. Why are you playing games like this with me? Is this some kind of payback?"

"It's not a game and it's definitely not payback. It's the truth. You know what I am. You know I can't control it. You know what it could do to me, what others could do to me."

"I know this very well." I tell her. "What do you think I spent the last couple of months doing?" I ask her and take her hand in mine.

"I don't know how this could possibly work." She tells me a little afraid.

"Kiss me." I tell her.

"I can't. What if my visions take over? We are far from the institute and there are people around."

I don't let her continue her nonsense speech and I capture her lips with mine. I focus on picturing a fire surrounding my mind, a high wall of metal thorns, anything that could possibly keep her away from seeing my future.

She gasps and I slip my tongue inside her warm mouth, savoring our kiss. She lets herself go and kisses me back, gentle and sweet, like she is afraid. I put my hands on her cheeks and break our kiss, looking into her eyes.

"Did you see anything?" I ask her a little afraid of her answer.

"No." She looks at me with scared eyes.

"See? We can do this. I love you Clara."

"I love you too, Luca." She finally says it and my soul explodes into million of butterflies but my focus also fades away.

She looks into my eyes, her eyes empty and I realize what's happening. She's having a vision. I quickly remove my hands from her cheeks and she takes a deep breath.

"Run!" She tells me.

"What?" I ask her confused.

"Run!!!" She takes my hand and jumps up from the bench, running and pulling me after her.

"Why are we running?" I ask her confused.

"There is a tracker in the park. He was sitting a few meters away from us. He caught your scent and knows who you are." She tells me while running.

I look behind us and see a man running after us. I squeeze her hand harder and take the lead.

"This way! We need to leave the realm." I tell her and pull her through an empty alley that leads outside the city.

The man continues to follow us. In moments like this I am happy that trackers don't have any magical powers. They just have really sharp senses. We reach the woods and take the path towards the portal.

"Luca! We can stop now. He lost us!" She tells me and pulls her hand away to stop.

"We need to leave, Clara. He may have lost us but he has seen us. I may be able to morph, but what about you? This is all my fault." I turn around from her and tighten my fists to contain my anger. How could I have been so stupid? What was I thinking to leave the institute with her?

"Luca... what are you trying to tell me?" Her face is pale with fear.

"I am trying to tell you that he has seen you. He has seen us kissing. He will hunt you down to get to me. That's why we must leave this realm together. You are no longer safe here. Stafan will torture you and kill you just to lure me out, Clara." I take her hand and squeeze it lightly, looking into her blue eyes.

The wicked and the brave (Book 1- Valhireya Series- Completed)Where stories live. Discover now