Chapter 39

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My legs shake as I sit down at the table with Aurora. Gael has cooked that famous risotto for us and I can't complain. I am starving! This pregnancy has me eating like a panda. He place the plates in front of us and sits down.

"Love, I was thinking that you should take Aurora and move here."

"What?" I almost drop my fork, making Aurora and Gael giggle. I look at his wonderful smile and can't help but wonder what did I do in this world to deserve his love.

"Yes. I want to wake up every morning seeing that beautiful face and kissing my daughter good night every night. Besides, don't you think 10 years is enough time spent separate?" He asks me.

"I don't want to leave Mia alone..." i tell him.

"How about this? I buy a house or an appartment next to Bisou. This way we are all close to granny Mia." Aurora seems to like that idea.

"Ok! Now can you give me some more risotto?" I ask him as I finish the last bite. He raises his eyebrow and smiles, as he puts some more on my plate.

"I'm hungry!" I tell him as I dig in.

"Slow down or you'll get sick!" He tells me and sits back down at the table.

"Yeah... been there done that!" I tell him and grab another fork.

"Didn't you have breakfast this morning?" He asks amused.

"I did. But these two seem insatiable. All I can think about is food and..." i stop before saying what else I think about all the time and then I meet Gabriel's eyes. He seems shocked. What's wrong with him?

"Clara? What do you mean?" He gets up from his chair and sits on the floor next to my chair.

"What did I say?"

"Mommy pregonante!" Aurora says and I realize what is happening.

"Auroraaa..." i scold her for not keeping my secret.

"You said these two... are they twins?" He asks while placing his hands on my stomach.

"I said that?" I try to seem cool with it but inside I'm freaking out.

"Yes, mommy!" Aurora fills in.

"She's too smart for her own good." I tell him nervously. "Twins." I confirm not wanting to prolong the torture anymore.

"How far are you?" He asks with tears in his eyes. He is happy. He must be happy.

"Six weeks. I found out a few days ago. I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I was afraid of how you'll react. I thought..." before I can continue rambling he pulls me into a kiss that says I love you, that says thank you, that says every other thing that was unsaid.

"Kissy kissy! Mommy! Mommy! I want kissy!" Aurora makes us both laugh and we both go and pick her up, covering her with kisses.

"I'll go put her to sleep and then come back to finish this talk." He says with a raspy voice that melts my insides.


I'm gonna be a dad again. It's all I can think about as I walk back to the living room. I find her sitting on the sofa, watching some TV.

"I saw Luca today." She looks at me smiling. My blood instantly boils with jealousy when I hear her.

"Why didn't you call me? Did he hurt you?" I ask her.

"No, silly! He wanted to talk to me. He wanted us to make amends." She tells me but I still don't buy it.

"What else?" I ask her feeling more and more possessive over her.

"Nothing else. I told him that I love you, that I've loved you all my life." Her words soothe my soul.

"And I adore you, love!" I pull her on my lap and give her a longing kiss. "Now, what the other thing you think about all the time?" I ask her already knowing the answer.

"Sex." She says shamelessly and that makes me hard a steel. "You inside me..." She continues as she rubs her core against the bulge in my pants. "Your lips against my clit." She pulls me into a lustful kiss, bitting at my lower lip and pulling my hair.

I open my zipper and take out my throbbing erection. She pulls her panties aside and slowly glides down on me, mouning loudly.

"Shhh, love! We don't want Aurora running in the room!" I tell her and place a hand over her mouth.  She starts moving up and down on me, deliciously slow, at first, and then faster and faster. I peel off the straps of her dress, to free her breasts and feast on her nipples.

I take one of them in my mouth as she continues to ride me, craving for her release. I grab a hold of her hip and start thrusting upwards, like a piston. She holds on to the sofa as I urge her to come on me. A few more thrusts and I feel her walls closing in on me. I take a bite at the skin on her neck and she comes hard, her entire body shaking for the force of her orgasm. I find myself cumming a second later, just because of how sexy she looks shaking on top of me.

We both remain in our embrace, kissing and whispering sweet nothings while the night envelopes us.

"Marry me!" I tell her out of the blue.

"What?" She asks me laughing.

"Marry me?" I ask her this time.

"You can't be serious!" She laughs it off again.

"Clara,  I've waited 10 years of my life to have you! You are my best friend  and the love of my life and nothing will make me happier than marrying you. So yes, I am asking you to marry me!" I tell her again.

"I am pretty sure this was supposed to happen while you stand on one knee with a ring and not inside of me." She laughs at me again.

"Well, we are an unconventional couple." I tell her laughing as well.

"I'll marry you after the babies are born." She tells me and pulls me in for another kiss. I raise my hips to get some friction and feel myself getting hard again.

"That's all I wanted to hear. Can we celebrate now?" I tell her while moving her hips up and down my shaft. She just moans and nods in approval.

Now this is my kind of party.

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