Chapter 37

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It's been 1 week since Luca rose up from the dead and since Gabriel told me he loves me and I said it back. One week of him avoiding me, one week without his touch. I miss him like crazy. My body aches for his touch every time I remember how he made me feel that night. It's funny... I thought Luca will dance in my mind, will keep me up at night, but it's Gabriel the one that invades my dreams, making them hot for me.

So today I decided to go to his apartment and wait for him to come back from his meeting. I undress myself completely and lay naked on his bed. The anticipation is killing me as the wetness between my legs keps growing and growing.

At last, I hear the key turning in the door and his steps walking towards the bedroom. As he opens the door, his pupils dilate at the sight of my naked body. I bite my lower lip and grab the sheets, as I raise my ass a little for him to see. That makes him swallow hard and arrange the growing bulge in his pants.

"Hi!" I tell him and lick my lower lip.

"Hi!" He says again as he starts walking towards the bed. He sits down and suddenly a sharp slap lands on my ass, making me gasp with surprise.

"I wanted to talk to you." I tell him as I look at his lips.

"And you couldn't do that with your clothes on?" Another slap lands on my other cheek, making me moan a little.

"I wanted to have all your attention! " i bite my lower lip as I start rubbing his erection through his pants.

"What is it you wanted to talk to me about?" He runs his fingers on my ass and between my thighs, reaching my slit. I take a deep breath and rejoice in the feeling of his hand touching my body.

"Mmm..." i moan as his finger enters my drenched core.

"So wet for me! Have you been waiting for me too long?" He asks while moving his finger in and out of me.

"All week!" I whisper as I exhale. My eyes are shut, enjoying all the sensations he offers my body.

He stops for a second and i hear some fabric moving. I open my eyes and see him sitting next to shirtless. My mouth waters for a taste of his skin.

"What else did you want to tell me?" He asks as he turns me around to lay on my back. His mouth latches to my left nipple, causing a loud whimper to escape my lips. This man is addictive. The way my body reacts to his touch is surreal. I feel my core pulsating as he continues to suck and bite on my nipple.

"Answer me, Clara, or I'll stop!"

"I needed you!" I tell him, looking at what he does to my body. It's so hot! Fuck me!

"Needed?" He asks and switches to the other nipple while his finger circles my clit.

"I need you!" I quickly say.

"That's better!" His voice is low and raspy, making me shiver with desire. I reach and unbuckle his pants, pulling him out. I rub the tip with my thumb and he stops what he's doing to enjoy my touch. I lick my lips and he realizes what I want.

"You are very naughty today, my love!" His lips travel down my abdomen as he climbs onto the bed and lays next to me.

I pull him closer and wrap my lips around him as his tongue reaches my clit. I start sucking hard and fast, wanting to make him cum for me, to have the same control over his body as he has over mine, but it's hard to do so under his skilful tongue. He licks and nibbles my clit until I feel the pressure building in my lower abdomen.

I moan against his rod and take him deeper in my mouth, in the back of my throat and then I slowly take him out while applying more suction. He hisses with pleasure and i feel him growing even more in my mouth. I repeat the same process again, wanting him to cum, but he manages to get me there first, after grazing my clit with his teeth. I come forcefully against his tongue while he releases himself on my breats. We both pant loudly as we enjoy the aftershocks of our orgasm.

He gets up and admires his mess with lust in his eyes. The next thing I know, he turns me around on my belly and enters me from behind, grabbing a fistfull of my hair. He picks up his pace and pounds into me without any mercy. It feels like he is reaching deeper than ever, like he is spliting me in half. His other hand is wrapped around my neck, holding me upwards and cutting out some of my air. It feels so good! The pleasure is multiplied to the point my brain can't understand what is happening. The sensations flood me in waves as I spiral uncontrollably.

My body tries to accomodate to the pain and pleasure that he brings to it but it's too much. When my orgasm hits me, I black out.

I wake up later resting on his naked chest. I look up and see him smilling at me.

"What happened?" I ask him a little confused.

"I guess I went a little too hard on you." He tells me and kisses my hair.

"I loved it! I love you!" I tell him and hear his heart beating faster.

"I love you too!" He wraps his arms around me and I fall asleep enveloped in the warmth of his embrace.

I wake up in the same position and can't help but watch him sleep again. This is my favorite thing to do. I've never realized how inportant he has always been to me. I've always loved him, ever since he found me when i was eighteen. I was just too lost in my fears and he seemed untouchable for me. He was 25 back then, in his eyes I was still a little girl. Was I foolish? Of course I was! I was a bloody idiot and almost destroyed my life. I puff loudly and he wakes up.

"What's wrong, my love?" He asks me while cuddling me better in his arms.

"I am just angry at myself! All these years... Let me ask you this... When you found me, did you fall in love with me?" I ask him out of the blue.

He lets me go and stands up, leaning against the headboard.

"No! You were just a child." He lower his gaze. "I was attracted to you but kept my distance to protect you. You were so pure, so delicate. ." He tells me and kisses my knuckles.

"I loved you, Gabriel!" I tell him and all colour drains from his face.

"Loved? What's this about?" He asks visibly concerned.

"I loved you the moment I saw you when i opened my eyes and the visions were gone. You were there, remember? You were sleeping on the bed next to me, holding me in your arms. You were the first man I could ever touch without having visions!" I tell him and look at our finger entangling.

"I am sorry, my love!" He says with a lost voice.

"I didn't love Victor! I just tried to be normal. I wanted a normal life, and since you weren't showing me anything but friendship, I thought I wasn't worthy of your love and accepted to be with him. In time, my feelings for you went numb." I continue speaking with a sad smile on my face.

"I didn't love Luca either... he was dominating and demanding, making me forget about myself. My life revolved around his wishes, his emotions, his decisions." A tear runs down my cheek.

"He hurt me so much, emotionally speaking! He took me away from you, from what I've known. He kept me in a cage in which I needed to be his and only his. I couldn't even go to the supermarket without calling him first!" My hands shake a little as I try to dry my tears.

"I am so sorry... my heart broke in million pieces when you told me what you saw in your visions. I wanted to die, to disappear from the face of the earth. I realised how much I love you in that moment, but I felt it was too late!"

"It's always been you, Gabriel! It took us 10 years to get here, but you are the love of my life!" I tell him while crying and laughing at the same time.

"I've never loved another woman but you, Clara! You are my one and only!" He says with tears in his eyes and kisses my hands.

"Don't lock me out, Gabriel! I need you now more than ever!" I tell him and erase a tear that rolls down his cheek.

"I wanted to give you space. I thought that maybe now, that he's back, you would want him and not me. I wanted you to have your space to think things out." He tells me and I let out a nervous laugh.

"My silly brute!" I tell him and place a kiss on his lips.

"Don't call me a brute, sugarcup!" His smirk lets me know I'm on dangerous grounds.

"Well, since tomorrow I turn 29, why don't you show me how much of a brute you can really be?"

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