Chapter 2

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Introducing Rosie Huntington as Clara Ravel


"What do you mean war? Are you sure?" Gael asks me while the colour from his face drains out.

"I saw fire and death, people being murdered by other people." My hands continue shaking and tears pour down my cheeks. I can't speak furthermore because panic continues to flow in my veins and the headache continues to get worse with each second that passes.

Gael puts his arms around me and gently caresses my back.

"What does my brother have to do with that? Was he also in your vision?" He asks me.

"I don't know. I was too shocked. I don't understand too much of what I was. All I do know is that a war is coming." I sob on his shoulder.

Our conversation is interrupted when Luca starts tossing around because his fever went up during these past couple of minutes. He is halucinating by now, murmuring things.

"I need to lower his fever." Gael gets up and starts cutting his brother's clothes. Once the man is only in his shorts, Gael picks him up and carries him to the bathroom. I follow him and turn on the cold water in the bathtub.

We both struggle to get him inside the tub and then sit down on the tile.

"Did you see anything else?" Gael asks me while looking at my bare hands.

"You know it doesn't work like that. I didn't see anything this time. I wish I could control this so I can see whatever I want and whenever I want." I tell him and lean my head against the cold tile wall.

"It's ok. You'll get there some day. But now, you should probably go back home. Victor is most certainly wondering where you are." He tells me and I let out a deep sigh.

"Yeah... I should." I look at Gael and smile.

"Why do you even stay with him?" He asks me.

"Don't start again, Gael. He is a palladium. And I love him." I tell him a bit annoyed that he asks me the same thing over and over again.

"If you tell yourself this every single day, it doesn't make it true. You don't love him. You are comfortable next to him. You can't see his future because of what he is. That's not love. That's settling. " He smiles warmly and gently caresses my cheek.

"I can't see your future either." I tell him.

"And the reason why you can't will remain a mystery for you." He smiles at me and then we both get up from the floor.

"I'm going home now." I kiss his cheek and walk out of the bathroom feeling annoyed by the fact that he doesn't want to admit to me how come I don't have visions of him.

I slowly walk home. It's a good thing that my house is located five minutes away from the institute. This way, I feel much safer.

Victor doesn't like Gael. He says that he is using me for my powers, but I think he is jealous that me and Gael work together and that Gael is one of the most powerfull warlocks in the realm.

"Kitten, you're home." Victor tells me and gives me a small kiss. "I made dinner." He points to the pasta on the table.

"Thank you, boo." I tell him and sit down at the table.

"So, how was your day?"

I don't know why, but I feel the need to hide the fact that Luca just dropped by, literally.

"The usual. The kids were quite energetic today. They really drained me good."

"Well, you can bathe and then go to sleep."

The wicked and the brave (Book 1- Valhireya Series- Completed)Where stories live. Discover now