Chapter 3

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The gorgeous Christopher Mason as Luca Cavalero


When I woke up feeling like something chewed me and then spat me out, I didn't imagine my day would turn out for the better.

However, seeing the wonderful woman sitting in the doorway did that and much more. Her lovely blonde hair, her blue eyes and those plump lips... Damn me, I can picture her with her legs spread across the bed while I fuck the life out of her.

The reactions she being around me only feed this thought even more. She is visibly affected by my presence so I decide to push her buttons a little more. After all, it's all about the hunting game.

"I'm Luca." I tell her while still holding her hand.

"Clara." She tells me almost panting and I can see her cheeks flush more and more each moment.

This is fun... I tell myself and give her a smile. She takes her hand out of mine and struggles to put on some gloves.

"Isn't it a bit too warm for gloves?" I ask her but she doesn't answer.

"Does Gael know you are awake?" She asks me with a certain fire in her eyes.

"I don't think so." I answer her while studying her face some more. She really is something else.

"I'll go get him for you." She says and storms out of the room.

This little woman amuses me. The way she reacts to me makes me want to have her so bad. I will have a lot of fun making her fall for me.

My fun thoughts get interrupted when Gael walks into the room with a fake smile on his lips.

"Luca. A pleasure to see you." He pats my shoulder.

"Cut the crap, Gael. You are as happy to see me like the mouse is to see the cat."

"You know me so well, little brother." He gives me a more genuine smile this time. "So tell me, what have you gotten yourself into this time?" He asks me.

"Well... I kinda stole something from Rhea and king Stafan is mad at me."

"What the fuck did you steal?" He asks and then frowns a few seconds later, when he realises what I did. "You slept with the king's daugther, didn't you? Have you lost your damn mind?"

"What's the big deal? I will morphe into a new person and he will never find me." I tell him. Gael rolls his eyes and lets out a sigh.

"Do you even remember the face you were born with?" He asks me.

"I'm pretty sure you have a picture of that somewhere." I punch him slightly in the shoulder and put a shirt on me.

"One more thing. Clara... I think it's her name?" I ask him.

"She's almost engaged. Don't go chasing after her, Luca. She is not for you." He warns me.

"You insult me. I would never break up a couple. You know me!" I tell him with my most convincing voice. But do I know myself?

He leaves me alone in the room and I go take a shower. I keep thinking about Clara and her plump lips. I wonder how they taste, how they feel wrapped around me.

Damn me... what is wrong with me? I've never allowed any other woman into my mind, so what's so different about this one? I literally just met her and she has me thinking about all these things  Moreover, she belongs to another man. I can't do that. I mean, it's the only thing I can respect, especially after how our parents ended up. I can never be the man that breaks a marriage! But she's not married yet...


As he asked my name, flashes of what is yet to happen dance before my eyes. I see him, kissing me. I see his fingers touching my skin, I see him taking me completely, but his face looks different.

I sit on the hallway panting, hiding my face in my palms when Gael exits the room.

"What else did you see?" He asks me as if he is reading my mind.

"Nothing!" I look at him and blush.

"Are you sure it's nothing?" He asks me. I bite my lower lip to hide my real thoughts.

"I just have a massive headache, Gael. Don't go searching for things that didn't happen!"

I dismiss him and he goes away. I stare at Luca's door and feel the need to go in again. I need to see him one more time. I don't know what is wrong with me today because I can't think straight, at least not when it comes to him. I hear some grunting sounds coming from his room and I immediately think that he may have injured himself again.

I walk in and find him wrapped in his towel, water droplets running down his skin. His face is focused and his eyes are closed. He brings his eyesbrows together and then his face begins to change.

He looks like he is in pain. His bones crack and he seems to grow taller. His muscles bulge even more. His lips get a bit more plumped and the shape of his cheekbones and jaw become more defined. He looks like a different person by the time the process stops.

I sit in the doorway and look at him in awe. After taking a few deep breaths, he opens his still blue eyes and looks at me. And it's him... the same face I saw in my vision.

"Can I help you?" His low silky voice sends fireworks under my skin.

"I just came to tell you that lunch is served." I tell him as I realize what he is. "You're a morpher." I cover my mouth as I blurt out the words, blushing.

"I gather my brother doesn't speak much of me." He says while putting a shirt on. I don't answer him. I stand in the doorway and smile at him like a silly girl.

"Do you mind? Or do you want to stay and watch as I put on my pants?" He licks his lips after he finishes the sentence and I feel my stomach flutter. He turns around and faces me, taking a step towards me and I freak out.

"No... I'm sorry. I will wait outside the door." I tell him and I storm out of the room again.

I lean my head against the wall and mentally scold myself for the way I reacted after seeing him almost naked and morphing.

His face... his lips... I bring my fingers to my lips, thinking about the vision. There is definitely something wrong with me today. I am in a relationship with Victor! We are in love! He is the man I will marry! I can't go around and fantasize about another man!

That vision will never happen! It is only a potential future. I can still change the course of things and I will change it.

I go towards the dining area and take a seat next to the other teachers. Luca walks in a few moments later and takes a seat in front of me. I find myself feeling sad that he didn't sit next to me.

I try to keep myself together so I lower my gaze and avoid looking his way, focusing on myself and my wishes.

But again, I wish his lips were on mine.

The wicked and the brave (Book 1- Valhireya Series- Completed)Where stories live. Discover now