Chapter 34

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The sun hasn't completely risen  when I wake up and find myself naked in bed, next to Gabriel. The first thing that passes through my mind is RUN, but I can't do that, this time. Our daughter needs him, I need him.

He said he wouldn't sleep with me last night because he wanted me sober. I am sober now and he is sleeping soundly with only a pair of boxers on, scoring a huge erection that makes me so needy.

I've gone past feeling guilty for my feelings towards Gabriel. Luca is dead... i am even wondering whether I've ever loved him or simply lusted for him. He was such a dominating presence that clouded my mind so much that I couldn't even think straight.

Today is the day I need to leave all those things behind. I am pretty sure that the father of my child and my best friend loves me. And I am pretty sure all my feelingd for him are back too.

I pull the sheets up to cover my breasts and move closer to him. His hand immediately reaches for my waist and pulls me closer to him, entangling our legs and bringing our mouths inches away. I love how he alwsys searches for me even in his sleep. He always holds me in his arms when he sleeps. He has been doing it since he first found me.

I look at his wonderful face, at his delicious lips and feel the urge to kiss him until we run out of air. How could I think that my love for him would ever go away?  So many years, wasted. Do I want to waste more time? Right now, I just want him.

I press my lips against his and softly bite his lower lip to get him to wake up. His lips still taste like wine. His eyes open and it takes him a second to realize what I'm doing. He takes a deep breath and then responds to my kiss with the same lust. I moan in his mouth as his hand reaches my ass and he squeezes it, rubbing my core against his erection.

"You want me to make you cum again, love? I can't say I don't love how you taste." He asks me seductively as his hand reaches between my legs.

"I want you to make love to me!" My choice of words is specific and explicit enough for him to realize I am awake.

He stops and looks into my eyes, fear clouding his face.

"I won't run away, Gael! Make love to me!" I tell him and kiss his lower lip, as my hands lock in his silky hair. For a couple of seconds, he seems to be frozen. His hands slightly push me away, trying to stop me.

"Please, Gabriel! I am awake! Make love to me! Pleaase!" I whisper against his lips and hear him groan. His hands pull me close to him again and his lips capture mine in a ravaging kiss. I struggle to breathe but he is relentless. His hands roam my body, pinching my nipples, twisting them in torturous pleasure.
By the time he finally slides a finger inside me, I am painfully pulsating with need.

"Gabriel..." his name escapes my lips like a prayer. "Mooore..." I let out another moan as he moves his finger inside me and then adds another one.


It takes all my willpower to hold on to my sanity. Knowing she wants me like this makes me question whether this is a dream or reality or a spell... i am afraid to say anything so that it doesn't go away.

I remove my boxers with my other hand and finally climb on top of her. The sun is almost up, making the room glow with warm light. Her skin glistens with desire in the sunlight. She looks like a dream, like a goddess and she is panting heavily and squirming underneath me.

"Please..." she says again and I cut her off by sliding inside her wet core. She feels so tight around me. I forgot how good this feels.

"Is this a dream?" I finally ask her.

Her face softens as she looks at me adoringly and pulls me into a kiss.

"No, cielo. It's real." She whispers against my lips and that triggers another wave of panic in my heart. This is really happening. I push the thoughts away and focus on the love of my life that is willingly giving herself all to me.

I move slowly, making her gasp at each slow trust, studying every wrinkle she makes, every look she gives me. He hands roam  my back, leaving small scratches behind them until they finally reach my ass.

I gently pick up the pace as she lifts her bottom up, to change the angle. It's much deeper now and it feels heavenly delicious.

"Mmm..." she murmurs in my ear and that drives me crazy. I plunge into her deep, making her gasp in surprise and pleasure and then continue to move in and out of her. Her walls pulsate around me with each hard thrust and I know she is close. I can barely contain the urge to finish too.

I put my hands underneath her and turn her on the side, while still plowing in and out of her. Her leg wraps around my waist. I hold her still with my hands and continue to ravage her, looking at the place we both unite. She follows my gaze and looks down, seeing how we both join into one and that does it for her. She comes hard, with a loud moan, saying my name over and over again and that pushes me over the edge as well, as I cum deep inside her pulsating core.

We both  remain entangled, as our orgasms subside, looking at each other with feelings that are yet to be spoken.

"Are you ok?" I ask her and a big smile spreads across her lips.

"I am perfect." She answers, making me smile like a fool.

"Not to ruin the moment, or anything, but are you on the pill?"

"Nope." She continues to smile at me like she has no care in the world. "We made a baby the first time we had sex, so I wouldn't mind having the second one the second time we did." Her fingers play with my hair, making it hard for me to contain another erection.

"So, you want another baby?" I ask her while getting hard again inside her.

"If that were to happen.." she says while looking at me moving inside of her again.

"Then, let's put another baby in you!" I tell her and pull her on top of me.

The wicked and the brave (Book 1- Valhireya Series- Completed)Where stories live. Discover now