Chapter 13

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"I told him to leave." I tell Luna as I hide my face in my palms.

"I know." She answers me. Of course she knows. She read my mind again.

"What did I tell you about reading people's minds without their permisssion?" I ask her annoyed.

"I'm sorry. I'm just not feeling well right now and I can't control myself. Did he really cry?" She puffs.

"Well, you saw it in my mind. It means it happened. He begged me not to leave him. He said he loves me still, that he will change." I tell her still hiding my face in my palms.

"And you believed him? Come on, Clara! You are smarter than this! He is afraid he will lose his financial resource!"

"Ouch!... really Luna, it's hard enough for me as it is. You don't need to reduce my relationship to that! I refuse to believe that I've been always a mean to an end for him. We've been together for 4 years. He must have some feelings for me." I emphasize the word Some and look at her with my blood shot eyes.

"They say blind is the one that doesn't want to see." She just looks back at me with disapproval written all over her face. "And what about Luca? Do you realize you've fallen in love with my brother?" She asks me while raising her eyebrow.

"I'm not in love with your brother!" I snap at her.

"Sure you're not. You just can't stop thinking about his kisses and your visions. I can see into your mind, remember?" She plays her smartass card and I feel like I can't breathe anymore.

"No! Luca is not going to happen. Victor asked for another chance and I am going to give it to him!" I say with a feeble voice.

"Why don't you just admit your damn feelings? One minute you will leave Victor, the other minute you want to give him another shot! You love Luca! Why do you like torturing yourself like that?" She asks me at the edge of her patience.

"Damn it, Luna. What do you want me to do? You want me to lose my mind? I can't be with your brother, no matter how I feel about him." I put my hand on my chest and try to focus on my breathing.

"That's bullshit! There's always a way! You just have to be brave enough to take it!" She comes and wraps her arms around me.

"I can't breathe!" I tell her while my anxiety reaches its peak.

"You're having a panick attack! Just focus on breathing slowly. Clear your mind." She tells me and keeps me wrapped in her arms.

"I love him!" I tell her and feel a tear slide on my cheek.

"Who are you talking about?" She asks me.

"Luca! I love Luca! I don't know why I've fallen in love with him, but I can't deny it anymore." I let myself silently sob on her shoulder.

She keeps her arms wrapped around me until I finally calm down. I clean my tears with a paper napkin and smile at her.

"Just remember to be brave!" She tells me and walks away, leaving me tormented by my thoughts and remorse. Victor said he loves me and I allowed another man to kiss me. Moreover, I am in love with this other man. What kind of woman am I? This is not how my mother raised me! This is not who I amq

Luca appears from around the corner and winks at me.

"Hello, sugar lips!" He tells me and my blood stops in my veins.

"Don't call me that!" I snap at him but that only makes him smile.

I look at his wonderful face and his glistening blue eyes and feel my chest fills with a warm feeling that slowly spreads throughout my entire body, bringing happiness with it. I feel happy. Seeing his smile makes me happy. I am so fucked!

He takes a step towards me and I forget again that Victor ever existed in my life. He makes everything feel right in the world. How can something be wrong when it feels so wonderful?

"Walk with me!" He offers me his hand for me to take and I take it without any instinct of arguying with him.

We get out of the domain and walk towards the city center.

"Where are we going?" I ask him a little afraid of all the people that could bump into me any moment and cause a vision to appear.

"I don't know! We are just taking a walk." He tells me and pulls me closer to him, making my heart skip a beat.

"We enter the park and sit down on a little yellow bench. The trees in the park are still sleeping. The snow has melted but not so long ago and the air is still a bit cold. The park is almost empty, given the fact that it's Thursday just a little after noon and people are at work. A cold shiver wonders on my back and I involuntarily scoot closer to Luca. He puts his arm around me to keep me warm.

"What do you want from me, Luca? Why do you play these games with my mind?" I ask him while looking into his eyes.

"I don't know what I want! My reason tells me I don't want anything. Yet I can't stop thinking about you!" He tells me and looks away.

"Then why not listen to your reason? Why do you stick around? Why do you search for me with your gaze every time I walk inside the room? Why did you kiss me?" I ask him a little annoyed.

"Because I wanted to! I want to do it again right now." He raises his eyebrow and licks his lips, making me grasp for air.

"Don't say things like this! You are making me even more confused. Why can't you use full sentences, like normal people? Why can't you say what do you want from me?" I get up from the bench and try to walk away but he grabs my hand and pulls me back to sit down.

"What do you want me to say, Clara? You want me to tell you that I dream about you in my arms? About kissing your lips? You want me to tell you I love you?" His voice is harsh and deep, bringing hundreds of butterflies in my stomach.

"I want you to be honest with me, Luca! Can you so that for once in your life?"

"Damn it, Clara! I brought you here because I wanted to just be with you alone! These past couple of months have been hell for me and I just wanted you close. I didn't bring you here for you to make my psychological profile!" He lowers his head to hide his eyes from me.

"I just need to know." I almost whisper to his ear.

"I love you!"

The wicked and the brave (Book 1- Valhireya Series- Completed)Where stories live. Discover now