Chapter 16

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His kiss lights up my entire body. His fingers leave electric current in their way, making my knees weak. He lifts me up and places me on the table. He peels off a strap from my shoulder, placing a lingering kiss next to my neck.

My mind is clouded by him, by the joy of him touching me, kissing me without causing me visions. I let myself enjoy his taste, his touch, his soft murmurs.

"You are so beautiful." He says and kisses my shoulder. I suddenly become aware of how my ribs are pointing out, how the bruises under my breasts must look, but he doesn't seem to notice that. He's too busy exploring every inch of my skin me and playing with my breasts.

The thoughts are chased away again when he frees my left breast from the cup and latches his warm mouth on my nipple. By all Gods, I want him so much my entire body is aching, especially that wet place between my legs.

His hand travels down and into my pants, drawing circles against my aching clit and I let out a gasp, followed by a soft moan.

He hisses between his assaults on my nipples and inserts his palm into my panties.

"Luca..." I whisper his name, pulling him up into a kiss. I feel brave enough to allow my arms to explore his body. I take off his shirt and look at his deliciously toned abs. I let my fingers explore the line of his neck, the curve of his chest, the hardness of his muscles and finally reach the edge of his jeans. He takes a sharp breath and looks at me with hungry eyes.

He pulls me into a toe curling kiss, making me gasp for air while circling my clit with his finger again. I whimper under his skilfull touch and undo his jeans.

Suddenly, images of him dressed in royal clothes come into my mind.

"Luca... stop..." I tell him and he pulls away, looking at me with a guilty face.

I shake my head to chase the images away, clearing my mind. I then realise I am almost naked in front of him and cover myself.

"Please, don't hide yourself from me." His hand reaches for my cheek but I shy away.

"Don't run from me. I won't lose my focus again. Please..." he takes a step closer to me and finally touches my cheek again.

His lips touch mine in a soft kiss that gradually deepens. I moan into his kiss again but this time he doesn't wait for me to get used to his touch. He just undoes his pants, pulling them down with his boxers. He pulls me again into a hungry kiss while he teases my entry.


My focus is only on her, on keeping myself at bay, not break down the barriers that surround my mind. I can't harm her, not when Gael is not around to fix her.

I undo my zipper and take out my throbbing erection. I've been dreaming about her pussy wrapped around me ever since I've laid my eyes on her. So delicate... so beautiful...

I rub the tip of my erection against her clit and she lets out a loud moan. I can't help myself any longer and sink into her. Her nails dig into my back and she lets out a gasp. Her legs clench to stop me from going further.

"It hurts..." she whispers and I stop to look at her face. She looks ravishing, with her hair all messed up from our kissing and her lips bruised. I clench the muscles in my lower abdomen and she gasps. Her lips part and her pupils dilate. I slowly push my entire length inside her, making her entire body shiver from the sensation. I love how her body trembles with each move I make. It's like my every touch ripples inside her.

I start moving inside her warm core as she moans gently in my ear. She feels so tight around me, so good. I increase my pace, plunging into her, urging her to come on my erection. I take her nipple between my fingers and slightly twist it. It makes her moan even louder. I can feel her walls clenching around me. She is so close. A blue fire surrounds my mind, still, making my head hurt but it all worth it for seeing her like this.

I capture her lips and lower my hand between her legs, playing with her clit. That seems to get her where she needs. Her pants become irregular as her hands grab my ass, urging me to go faster.

Her head falls back as she comes undone around me, screaming my name.

"Luca..." is all I need to hear to get me to come. I pull out of her and come on her leg, my entire body shaking and my ears buzzing with pain.

I capture her lips again and kiss her gently.

"I love you." I tell her and she gasps with surprise.

"I love you too." She answers with a small voice, hiding her gaze from me.

"Did you have any other visions?" I ask her.

She turns her head away from me and just stares at the wall.

"No." Is all I get from her.

"What's wrong?" I take her head between my palms and make her look into my eyes. She gives me a lovely smile and then sighs.

"This is dangerous... for me, at least."

"Don't do this. Don't ruin this precious moment we just shared." I feel a wave of sadness and concern taking over my mind. I take a step back so I can relax my mind.

"This is a burden for you... being with me... the effort you must put into controlling your mind." She tells me and look away again.

"Well... not everything runs smoothly in this world." I tell her and pull up my jeans. She puts on her top and then cleans herself with a napkin. She pulls up her pants and then looks at me.

"I want us to work, Luca. Do you want us to work?"

"I don't know what I want. For the moment I want to bend you across the table and make you scream my name again." Her pupils dilate and her lips part into a genuine smile.

"Aren't you tired?"

"On the contrary, I'm just beginning."

The wicked and the brave (Book 1- Valhireya Series- Completed)Where stories live. Discover now