Chapter 12

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Coming back to the institute after the winter break feels like a breath of fresh air. I am anxious to see Luca. I've missed him. I kept thinking about him the entire night during the New year's eve party. I wished I was with him and not with Victor.

Victor... he keeps telling me every single day to stay away from people. This is his solution for everything. He has never tried to find a way to help me, like Gael does. No, Victor just wants me to stay away from everybody and just cater to his needs. I've slowly made up my mind about him. He's not the one for me. His needy ways, his selfish behaviour, his ignorance towards me, that's not love. He's just using me and I let him, like a stupid fool that I am.

"Finally... you see the bastard for what he really is!" I hear Luna's voice behind me.

"Damn it!... how did I not feel you inside my mind?" I ask her a bit annoyed. "How many times have I told you to stay away from my thoughts?"

"I couldn't help it, sweetie! You were so loud. I didn't even have to try reading them. In my defense, I agree with your decision. You need to tell him to leave." She tells me and gives me a warm smile.

"I will... I just have to find the right time."

Luca passes us by but doesn't say a word. He just nods and goes away.

"What is up with him?" I ask Luna a little confused.

"What were you expecting? He is suffering. You spent the New Year with your boyfriend. His heart is broken." Luna explains to me and I listen to her a bit confused.

"I don't think he suffers." I tell her to make myself feel better.

"Really? You've seen the future. You've seen him telling you that he loves you and you continue to find excuses to act like a coward!" Her words cut deep into my heart, making me feel guilty.

"Yes, I am a coward, but can you blame me? You know what I am! You know what can happen to me if people find out about my powers! So far, everybody here thinks that I have a phobia for germs and this is why I wear the gloves and don't touch anybody. Do you think it is easy for me?" I ask her exasperated.

"Lower your voice before somebody hears you!" She shushes me. "Nobody said it is, but you are not making it easy for yourself either! This whole love triangle you have going on is not doing anybody any good. You are hurting yourself and my brother in the process." She lowers her head and lets out a deep sigh.

"I know. I just feel like I have a storm in my head and I can't pull myself together. I can't hear my thoughts lately. It's just chaos. I don't know what I want or how I feel anymore..."

"I know, sweetie. But you are stronger than any other person out there. You're a total badass, remember?" She smiles and winks at me, making me smile.

"Thank you, Luna! I will find the way to tell him to go."


"Close your mind! Picture yourself inside a concrete cell." Gael tells me as Luna raises her hand to touch me.

"Let's see what secrets you hide, big brother!" She gives me a wicked smile and touches my hand. I feel her roaming freely inside my thoughts and it's damn infuriating.

"Close yourself, Luca!" Gael raises his voice at me as I struggle to focus all my energy in pushing Luna away from my mind.

"You're doing it wrong, Luca!" She tells me. "You are not supposed to try to push me away, you are supposed to shield yourself. Surround yourself with a wall!" She tells me and I open my eyes to see her grin at me.

"I am trying!" My temper is starting to fail me and I can feel the anger boiling inside me.

"You've been a very naughty boy, Luca!" Luna teases me and I suddenly imagine a forest of tall thorns surrounding me and she vanishes from my mind.

"Damn, Luca! Really? Thorns? You gave me a headache!" She tells me and rubs her temples.

"I did it?" I ask her a bit amazed.

"You did it! Now you need to learn how to control it." Luna says and Gael nods at me.

"Good job, Luca! It only took you two months of practice."

"Give me a break! Not everybody is as calculated and focused as you are, Gael!" I mumble and feel a slight headache spreading around my head, like a crown. I start rubbing my temples to make it go away.

"The headaches are normal. You better get used to them because you'll have them all the time if you plan on staying next to Clara." I can sense some mockery in his tone but I choose to dismiss it. After all, he is helping me with this, even though he doesn't agree with me and Clara being together.

"Again." Luna says.

"Really? My head is booming!" I complain.

"Well, your head will be booming all the time. Like I said, you better get used to it! Again!" Gael tell me and I can't find any way to argue with him.


"Picture those thorns again." Luna tells me.

"Make it feel like an extension of your mind. Make the thorns feel real." Gael adds.

I try following their instructions but the headache keeps me from focusing very well.

"I am inside your mind, Luca." Luna tells me. She seems to enjoy herself more than she should be.

"I knooow!" I tell her between my clenched teeth.

"Uuuu... this is interesting! You're kissing..."

Before she can finish the sentence I picture a wall of fire surrounding my mind. It is a blue fire that burns his towards the sky.

"Nice." Luna says and I open her eyes to see her smiling.

"Did it work again?" I ask her.

"Yes, it did. But you need to learn how to build up that wall before I invade your mind. Remember, I can control whether I look into your mind or not, but Clara can't."

"Why didn't you send her to study with the Elders again?" I ask Gael.

"Because they wouldn't have taught her anything. They would have made her their lab rat and studied her." He tells me and looks out the window.

"Oh... I see. You are probably right!"

"We're done for today. Same time tomorrow?" Luna asks us drily.

"As much as I hate this... yes." I tell her and she gives me a hug.

"I'll go see how Clara is doing with the Spring festival preparations." She winks at me and leaves.

Gael leaves as well and once again I am left with all my emotions swirming in my mind. I don't want her, and yet I do. I don't want a relationship. I don't believe in happily ever after, I don't believe in marriage. And still, I want her so bad. But I know she is not the type that will settle just for a fling.

I must try! I can't lose her! I need to try!

The wicked and the brave (Book 1- Valhireya Series- Completed)Where stories live. Discover now