Chapter 29

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I wanted to be mad at him, I wanted to hate him, but how could I do that? He's Gabriel, the person who has cared after me most than any other person in my life, the one I trust with my entire heart. He never meant to hurt me and that is the only truth that I need  to hang on to. Hearing him tell Aurora "come to daddy!" Didn't upset me. On the contrary, it made my insides warm up with love and peace. It feels right! Beats me why, but it does!

I know he will be a wonderful father and that makes me feel content. For a second, I think about when he found me, how things were during the time he nursed me back to normality but those images are quickly chased away by Aurora's words.

"Daddy?" Aurora giggles in his arms. "Mommy, is Gabriel daddy?" My daughter sometimes scares the living daylight out of me with how bright she is for her age...

"Yes, Angel! Gabriel is your daddy!" I smile warmly at her knowing she is far to young to judge me for my mistakes. She wraps her tiny arms around his neck and turns her head to Mia, who is beaming with joy as well.

"I have a daddy!" She whispers to Mia as we all burst into laughter at her adorable reaction. Gabriel is visibly overwhelmed with emotion as his eyes are glistening with unshed tears. He struggles to contain his emotions by looking into my eyes, but that only makes me nervous.

"I love you!" He says as he looks into my eyes and my heart stops beating for a moment. Did he just tell me he loves me? He has done it before... why does it feel different this time?

"I love you too, daddy!" Aurora's response snaps me out of my panic. He was just talking to Aurora. He gives me his signature smirk and puts Aurora down.

"Why don't you, me and mommy go to the park and play?" He asks while looking at Mia.

"That's a wonderful idea!" Mia claps her hands and winks at him. Am I missing something here? I raise my eyebrow and look at Mia wondering what is she up to this time. She gently nudges me to go and I take Aurora's hand. Gabriel takes her other hand and the three of us walk out the door together.

We go to a small park, between some appartment buildings, so we can keep a close eye on Aurora and take a seat on a bench. Aurora runs to play with some little girls and boys.

"So, how old is she?" He asks me while looking at her.

"Two years and 7 months. She'll be 3 on July 25th."


"Thank you for her!" I tell her. As I look at my daughter running around, I can't stop myself from thanking Clara and the universe for her. Silence falls between us as we both follow Aurora as she is playing with the kids. The odds are with me today, as the weather is warmer than usual and Aurora can play for as much as she wants.

"It won't be the same..." she tells me out of the blue.

"What do you mean?" I ask her, even though  I know what she means.

" it won't be the same! We have a baby together... nothing will ever be the same!" A sigh leaves her lips as she finishes speaking.

"I am counting on it!" I give her a big smile and she seems to like that because her face lights up a little.

"So what do we do now?" She asks me.

"We could go to Valhireya and rebuild the institute. Aurora could learn there." I tell her.

"I am not sure I want to go there yet." Another sigh escapes her as she plays with her fingers.

"We will have to go there, at some point. Aurora needs to learn about what she is, about what I am." I tell as I take her hands into mine. She hesitantly pulls them back and looks away from me.

"I think she is like you, but I'm not sure." She tells me and bites her lower lip.

"Did she do something out of the ordinary?" I ask her curious.

"One day, she woke up and her hair had red strands here and there. She said she dreamt about unicorns with red hair." She looks at me smiling and I can't help but feel relief for what she just told me.

"Thank the Gods for that!" The words just fly out of my mouth and as soon as I say them I realize I may have crossed a bridge.

"Forgive me, I didn't mean it like that!" I tell her quickly. I am an idiot!

"No, it's alright! I cried with joy when I saw the red hair. I was terrified of her being like me. I am more that happy she turned out to be like you." She smiles warmly at me as her hand shyly rea hes my cheek.

"I missed you so much!" I tell her and close my eyes to enjoy her touch.

"And I missed you too!" She quickly removes her hand and I open my eyes to see her frowning.

"I understand, you know, and I aporeciate very much what you are tying to do. You are angry with me for the stupid thing that I did, but I meant it, Clara. I wouldn't change anything! What happened is the reason why now we have this amazing little girl running around the park. Thank you for trying to let me be a part of your lives!" I tell her in one breath. I patiently wait for her to say something but she takes her sweet time.

"Ok!" It's all she says. How can one word cause so much torment inside me? I need more than just OK!

"Can I come by also tomorrow?" I ask her fearful of the fact that she might just take my daughter and run away. But would she?

"Come by whenever you want."

The wicked and the brave (Book 1- Valhireya Series- Completed)Where stories live. Discover now