Chapter 31

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I wake up in the middle of the night feeling like I can't breathe. I've slept at his place a couple of times during the last 3 weeks. He's always behaved like the gentleman he is and takes care of all our needs. And, of course, Aurora is ecstatic about seeing us together and that only makes me even more confused each day that passes by, these old sensations come back to surface,  feelings that I never took for real.

Tonight he had to sleep at my place, as he had a pipe break that flooded his entire appartment and the construction workers still didn't finish repairing it.

He is sleeping soundly with his arms wrapped around me, holding me tight. The heat of his body envelops me and makes me lightheaded. He nuzzles himself in the crook of my neck and my entire body lights up like a torch.

Damn me and my traitorous body. Why do I have to behave like a horny 18 years old teenager around him? He's Gabriel, my best friend.. which I had sex with... who is the father of my child...I mentally scold myself and let out a groan.

He doesn't wake up, instead he places a kiss on my shoulder and continues dreaming about whatever he is dreaming while I lay here, feeling like my ovaries are about to explode with desire. Did he ever do this before?

"Fuck!" I whisper to myself and try to remove his hand from my waist, but that totally backfires as he moves it and places it on my hip, deliciously close to my lower abdomen. If I was feeling hot before, I am now officially melting in his arms.

"Gael?" I decide to try to wake him up. I struggle to turn around so I can face him and of course the damned nightgown lifts up on my body, stopping at my waist. His touch is now burning my skin. He frowns and moves his head a little, his breathing changing and his fingers twitching against my hip.

"Gael?" I try waking him up again but instead of succeeding, he pulls me close to his massive erection.

"Don't go!" He says with his eyes still closed and that frown on his face. Is he having a nightmare? Is he awake?

"No!" He says louder and places his lips upon mine. I am taken by surprise and don't know how to react so I just sit there like a stone statue. He lets out a sigh against my lips and then turns on the other side of the bed, snoring a little.

I come back from the shock of his mouth against mine, instinctively bringing my fingers towards my lips. Did he just do that? Do I want him to kiss me again? My core gives me a fierce reply to that final question as I feel it pulsating with need. I turn towards the edge of the bed I close my eyes and force myself to fall asleep again, but right before I manage to do that I feel Gabriel moving again.

His hand sneaks underneath the nightgown, stopping just under my breast . I clench  my thighs together to try to ease the desire building in my core, but it's getting extremely uncomfortable as he pulls my ass closer to his erection. Does that thing ever sleep?

"Fuck my life!" I softly whisper to myself and hear him groan a little. I freeze again and try to focus on little puppies and kitties to calm myself down. I am a 29 years old woman that think about puppies and kittens to calm down my hormones. This is what I've become! I fall asleep in this position with the sheets thrown away.

I wake up when he pulls me even closer to him and places another kiss on my shoulder, then he continues sleeping. The sun is already up, but it's still early.

I gently move a little to escape his embrace and that finally wakes him up. I turn my head around to see him looking at me with his sleepy blue eyes and I find myself mesmerized by how gorgeous he looks in this moment.

"Morning!" I tell him and expect him to let me go. But instead, he does the exact opposite thing. He pulls me closer to him again.

"Gael?" I ask him feeling all flushed.

"Mhmm.." is his answer.

"Let me go!" I don't sound very convincing.

"Mhmm..." he says again getting more comfortable behind me.

"Really! I need to pee!" I lie to him and he finally lets me go. I go into the bathroom and close the door behind me. I wash my face with some cold water, but not even the arctic sea could calm me down right now.

As I exit the bathroom, I find him shirtless and my mouth runs dry. He is struggling to find something to wear in his bag. He notices me and lifts up a shirt in the air.

"What do you think?" He asks me with a smirk on his face.

"Gorgeous." The word flies out of my mouth and reaches exactly where it was supposed to reach.

"It's not the most gorgeous shirt i have..." he says with a dangerously low voice as he approaches me slowly, like a predator.

"I.. I.. like it." I stutter as his arm wraps around my waist and his eyes lock against my lips.

"You do?" I don't know why i can't stop him, I don't know whether I want him to stop. I don't understand myself today!

"Yes!" I whisper against his lips.

He smiles and I hear his hand grabbing the perfume bottle from the drawer behind me with a smirk on his face. Then he moves away as he buttons up his shirt. I am left completely frustrated and he seems very amused by it.

He puts on some pants, not bothering to hide the massive bulk in his underwear and passes me by to enter the bathroom.

I let out a groan and just throw myself on the bed, hiding my face in the pillows. Without realizing, my nightgown lifts up for the millionth time, exposing my ass.

"That's a sight to see every morning!" His seductive voice fills my ears, making me aware of my position. I immediately try to stand up, but only uncover more skin to him in the process.

He comes and places a moist kiss in the corner of my lips.

"Goodbye, love!"

The wicked and the brave (Book 1- Valhireya Series- Completed)Where stories live. Discover now