Chapter 25

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My mind was so blurry... I couldn't make sense of what was right and what was wrong. I saw Luca... I mean, his face, but his touch was different, his kisses were different. And then, I went to the bathroom to find him but he wasn't there. Gabriel was there, standing in front of the shower naked.

I mumbled something and ran into my bedroom. I don't remember falling asleep, I just remember waking up. It felt like a dream, at least that's what my mind was trying to convince itself. I got out of bed and went to the mirror. My skin looked rosy, my lips were swelled. As I studied my reflection, I noticed the hickies on my neck and then it dawned on me. It was not a dream. I had had sex a night before. But Luca was dead and the only man in the house was... Gabriel...

"Mommy?" Aurora's voice snaps me out of my memories.

"Yes, angel. Did you have another bad dream?" I raise my hands and wave her to come to bed.

She walks slowly across the room, dragging her monkey behind her. She climbs onto the bed and cuddles besides me.

"You can sleep with mommy, little angel. Mommy will chase the bad dreams away." I kiss her forehead and tuck her in bed. I turn off the light and finally let sleep take over my mind.

I wake up with Aurora playing in my hair.

"You have beautiful hair, mommy." She smiles at me as I open my eyes. I take a strand of her hair and twist it between my fingers.

"You have beautiful hair too, angel." I tell her.

"It's not like you mommy."

"Like yours. It's not like yours." I correct her.

"I have black hair. You have sun hair." She tells me and takes a strand of her hair to look at it. Her words melt my heart. She's so pure and sweet. My beautiful angel.

"It's called blonde, sweetheart. Mommy has blonde hair." I kiss the top of her head and pull her into a hug.

"Blonnnde." She says the words slowly, to memorize it.

"Yes. Now let's go eat some pancakes!"

We both get dressed and go downstairs to the small coffee shop that I manage. The owner is a lovely lady that was born and raised in Bucharest. She took over the small shop when she was 30 years old. She took me in her home when I was running lost on the streets of the city, trying to find a place to sleep and somewhere to work. I didn't even speak the language then. She was kind enough to take me in and give me a roof over my head.

I helped her with cleaning her home and the coffee shop and she taught me how to speak Romanian. It wasn't very difficult for me to learn, given the fact that I already speak Italian, Spanish and English.

"Sit down, angel! Mommy will start the pancakes."

I turn around and go behind the counter. I start pouring pancake mix onto the hot waffle maker and the entire place fills with vanilla flavour.

I brew some coffee for myself and squeeze some oranges for Aurora.

As soon as I finish, I hear the doorbell ringing and see the door opening.


This morning has been the same as all the others. A different bed, a different woman. I turn around and look at the blonde sleeping soundly next to me. She has Clara's hair, but she's not her.

It's been 3 years since she left me, since I felt her skin pressed against mine. I spent all those years keeping my feelings under control, keeping her at a safe distance because I knew I would harm her one way or the other, but the night she gave herself to me, she carved her name across my heart forever. I spent 3 years searching for her in other women, but all I managed to do is lose myself more and more.

I put on my clothes and leave the house, trying to figure out where I am. The same streets stacked with cars, lots of dust and noise. I let out a deep sigh and start walking without any direction. I don't know why I stayed in this country. I don't even like it here. I guess I'm hoping she stayed here too.

I continue to wander around the streets searching for a place to drink some coffee and chase this damn hangover away. I see a cozy looking bistro called Bisou and decide to check it out.

I open the door and a scent of vanilla envelopes me. My mind travels immediately to the pancakes that Clara used to make for me and Luna. I smile bitterly and enter the small shop with my head in the ground, hiding behind my dark shades.

I walk to the counter, take off my shades and raise my eyes only for my entire world to stop spinning. This hangover really fucked up my brain because I see her. I see Clara! I try to open my mouth and speak but the words won't come out. I am mesmerised by how beautiful she looks, not to mention amazed to finally find her. Her hair is the same colour, her lips look as delicious as ever. She seems to have put on the weight she needed to after Luca's death. She looks gorgeous and also terrified to see me.

A little girl runs from behind me and to the other side of the counter. She looks around 2 years old. She falls as soon as she reaches Clara and lets out a small "ouch!"

Clara quickly picks her up and studies her knee, ignoring me completely.

"It doesn't hurt, mommy!"

Mommy... she's her daughter. She has  daughter! Then my eyes focus on the little girl. She has dark hair and blue eyes, but she has Clara's nose and lips. Her eyes, they are not Clara's...

She hides herself in her mother's chest, giving me the opportunity to meet Clara's gaze. She still looks terrified. Why is she so afraid?

"Aurora, angel, go wait for mommy at the table! I will bring you the pancakes and the orange juice!" She kisses the baby's cheek and puts her down.

"OK, mommy!" She puts her down and starts running again towards the table, dragging a stuffed monkey after her.

I stop her in her way and lower myself to see her better.

"I used to have a monkey just like that when I was a little boy." I tell her.

"Really?" Her eyes shine with joy as she squeezes the monkey to her chest.

"Really! I would run around the house and drag it with me everywhere. Just like you do!" I point to her nose and she starts to giggle.

"Just like me!" She says with a contagious smile and I can't help but copy her. She reaches out her hand and touches my hair.

"I like your hair! It's like me!" She tells me and I almost giggle.

"I think you wanted to say 'it's like min..." I stop before I even finish the sentence as the buzz of my hangover dissipates in a moment. Mine... she has my hair... she has my eyes...

"Please go!" I hear Clara's trembling voice and I stand up to look at her. She looks as if she has seen a ghost.


The wicked and the brave (Book 1- Valhireya Series- Completed)Where stories live. Discover now