Chapter 5

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My heart is about to burst into my chest as I sit down at my desk. My cheeks are blushing and my entire body feels hot. How can this man still have this impact on me? I haven't seen him in 3 months. I haven't even given him a thought and now he's got me all hot and bothered.

Am I losing my mind? Why does he have to have his classroom next to mine? When did he start teaching at the institute? Why is faith pulling all these nasty tricks on me?

Images from my vision come into my mind and I find myself getting wet from the thought of his skin against mine. Fuck!

I open the book and I start my lesson while trying to dismiss the thoughts running in my mind. The hour goes by extremely slow, mainly because my brain refuses chase away the images with him. By the end of the hour, my head starts hurting again and I storm out of the classroom to get some air.

I go to the cafeteria to grab a coffee and then go to the institute garden to sit on a bench.

"A penny for your thoughts?" Gael's voice scares me a little.

"Gabriel... you shouldn't sneak up on people like that!" I scold him playfully.

He sits down next to me and takes a sip of his coffee.

"Are you ok, sugarcup?" He asks me with a warm smile.

"I am fine... i'm just... why is your brother still here?" I ask before I can even think the words. Gabriel's face saddens all of the sudden.

"So this is why you're like this." He tells me and wraps both his hands on his cup.

"Stay away from him, Clara! I don't want you to continue to lie to yourself about your dumbass boyfriend of yours, but I don't want you throwing yourself in my brother's arms either!"

"Excuse me? Where is that coming from?" I ask him a bit hurt. "Who do you think I am?"

"They don't deserve you, Clara! None of them do!" He says while looking down at his feet.

"Then, when you find the perfect match for me, please tell me so I can ask him to marry me and get it over with?" I tell him furious and leave his side.

Who does he think he is? Yes, he is my best friend, but that doesn't give him the right to control my life. I have had my mother for that and she was more than enough.

My fury clouds my mind and I don't watch where I'm going. Before realizing it, I find myself bumping into a strong chest, dropping my coffee on the ground.


I did see her coming towards me but I didn't want to move out of the way. I just wanted to feel her close, to feel her body, even if just for a few seconds.

"I'm sorry! Please forgive me! I was not looking!" She mumbles before raising her gaze.

The moment her eyes met mine she froze. Her pupils are dilated and her plump lips are parted. She looks like a deer caught in the headlights. I wrap my hand around her waist and feel her shiver underneath my touch.

I do affect her. I'm not imagining things.

Her chest goes up and down as she continues to stare into my eyes, not saying a word. Having her so close to me, feeling her perfume, the heat of he body, it makes me want to lose control and kiss her. But I can't do that to myself. I can't do that to her either. I decide to end her misery and let her go. I take a step back and smile at her.

"Can't say I'm upset for you bumping into me. It was a real pleasure!" I nod at her and walk away.


As his fingers graze my skin the vision comes back again. I can see him telling me that he loves me. My mind freezes. The future didn't change. It's still the same, maybe even more complicated. This can't be happening. Every single one of his touch is hurting me. How could I be with this man? I keep telling myself that this is wrong, but my body lights up every time I see him, my mind keeps replaying the visions with his kissing every inch of my skin. Am I even considering this?

He takes his hand away and leaves without me realizing what even happened. I was too captured in my mind that I didn't even hear what he said before he left.

I walk back to the garden and sit down on the bench. Tears start pouring down my face as I think about the chaos that my life has become. First, the fight with Gael, second, the vision and then there's Victor that has been impossible during these last 3 months. He's been spending more money than he earns. He keeps asking me for more. He is nervous all the time and doesn't pay me any attention at all.

"What am I supposed to do?" I ask myself between my sobs.

"About what?" I hear Gael's voice behind me again. I didn't even see him still standing there.

"Gabriel." I get up and throw myself in his arms, crying like a helpless child.

"Heeey! Shhh... what's the meaning of this? What's wrong? Is this because of what I said, because I apologize for that! I was out of place." He speaks softly while stroking my hair. His touch feels soothing and brings me comfort.

"You were right, Gabriel! Every single word you said is true! I don't know what I feel about my relationship anymore!" I sob harder on his shoulder.

"Sugarcup... that's for you to decide. It's your life!" He tells me. "But I have the impression that there is more." He continues.

I break free from his hug and look into his big blue eyes.

"You know me so well." I smile warmly at him with tears still pooling in my eyes.

"Are you going to tell me?" He asks me a bit concerned.

"I had a vision and I tought I could change it, but I couldn't, so far." I lower my gaze.

"What did the vision show you?" He ask, taking my hand into his.

I pull it away and drop my head. I am ashamed to tell him.

"I...your...we..." I try to find the words to tell him, but my brain doesn't want to cooperate. I am such a coward.

"Clara... just say it! Don't go around it!"

"In my vision..." just say it, Clara, I tell myself..." I was having sex with Luca."

The wicked and the brave (Book 1- Valhireya Series- Completed)Where stories live. Discover now