Chapter 36

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Did she just do that? This woman amazes me more and more with each minute that goes by. I was afraid of waking up this morning because I thought she would have ran away again. Instead, I found her horny, wating patiently for me to wake up. Is this a dream?

I finish off what she started and then go to the bedroom where she waits fully dressed. Her eyes measure me from head to toes, with a smirk on her lips.

"You should thank the Gods that it's late and we have to go get Aurora, otherwise..."

"Yada, yada, yada. All talk and no game..." she says with a sultry voice, making my buddy twitch in my pants. Damn it, Gael. Focus!

"Don't say I didn't warn you!" I tell her as I button up my shirt and put on a belt.

"Let's go, big boy!" She tells me, making me smile like a teenager.

I follow her close enough so i can study her delicious curves as she walks in those ridiculously high heels.

We both get to Bisou and find Mia and Aurora serving customers together, well Mia doing the work and Aurora spilling sugar and other things on her high chair.

"Finally... get her out of here!" Mia tells us and signals to Aurora.

I go and pick up my beautiful baby girl and take her upstairs for her afternoon nap, leaving Clara with Mia.

"Come on, baby monkey! Daddy's gonna read you a story." I tell her and she claps her hands in joy.

"Daddy, stay?" She asks with big eyes.

"I'll stay with you until you fall asleep." I put her in bed and take the fairytales book from her nightstand.

"No daddy! Forever? Stay forever?" She struggles to make herself understood which I find adorably cute.

"You want to know if I will stay forever?" I ask her and she nods.

"With me and mommy." She adds, making me feel a whole in my chest.

"Forever!" I tell her, remembering all the things I did to Clara's body last night.


As I struggle to get out of my dress, I feel a pair of warm hands on my hips.

"Gael, will you help me get out of this dress, please?" I ask him, feeling my abdomen twist with anticipation.

He runs his finger up and down my spine and starts to slowly pull the zipper downwards, leaving goosebumps on my skin in the process.

As he finishes, I turn around and look at him while holding the dress close to me. He looks different... he has a different shirt on and his hair is different too. He's wearing a leather jacket. His eyes are cold, yet burning me. What is this? Is this some kind of joke?

Before I can say something else, I see Gabriel standing in the doorway. Panic surges through me. Two Gabriels? Who is the one standing in front of me?

"Who are you?" I ask him while fear creeps up my spine and floods my brain.

He doesn't reply, but turns around to face Gabriel and when he opens his mouth to speak, my brain almost shuts down.

"Hello brother."

His voice, it's Luca. But how can it be? Luca died! That's what Gabriel told me, that's what I saw in my visions.

"Luca?" I ask him in disbelief, struggling to pull my zipper up, to cover myself in front of him. My mind refuses to rejoice with seeing him and my soul doesn't seem to happy as well.

"Well, by all means. I wasn't expecting such a welcome party for me!" Luca says sarcastically.

Gabriel comes and gives him a hug  holding him for a few seconds.

"I saw your body..." Gabriel says with a shaky voice.

"You saw the curse that Stafan put on me. He needed the kingdom to know me dead so he could raise my child as his and continue ruling until his death."

"I killed him..." Gabriel whispers in horror. "I killed him to avenge you." He lets go of Luca and I can see anger on his face.

"Where were you all these years?" Gabriel asks again. I am simply an intruder in their conversation.

"Why don't we all sit down and have a nice chat together?" He raises his hand towards me but I don't take it. Why am I not happy he is alive?

We all go to the living room and sit at the table there.

"Talk!" Gabriel asks him while sitting next to me. His hands takes mine underneath the table and I feel myself calming down.

"When you killed Stafan, the spell broke. A few weeks later I was ok. I didn't quite know where I was so it was hard for me to come to the human realm. Stafan destroyed the portal."

"I destroyed it when I left Valhireya  after killing Stafan." Gabriel says between his gritted teeth.


Seeing him stand in front of me, knowing how much I've suffered after I lost him, how much I suffered because of his love for Clara, brings me no joy. What if Clara wants to go back to him?

"Oh.. well, it took me around 2 months to repair it and by the time I arrived in Brasov, at the appartment, you were gone, Clara." He looks at her and I can feel my blood boiling.

"Mommy?" Aurora's small voice interrupts us from the doorway, making Luca's smile fade away.

She runs towards my arms and hides her face from Luca.

"Daddy? Why does he look like you?" She asks and Luca smashes his fist on the table, scaring her.

He struggles to contain his anger and keep a straight face, but I know he is not the forgiving type.

"I see... let me introduce myself, little one. My name is Luca and i am your uncle, apparently."

"He's my twin brother." I tell Aurora and kiss her hair. "Why don't you run to bed and daddy will come later to keep you company for your nap?" She nods and hops down, running towards her room.

"So you just replaced me with my brother. Bravo, Clara! I didn't think you'd turn out to be like all the rest!"  He hisses at Clara and I lose it.

"Don't you dare talk like that to her! It's your fault things turned out like this! You're the one who got the king's fuckin' daughter pregnant, you're the one who pursued Clara even though I told you multiple times not to do so!" I yell at him, losing my temper.

"I can see why you wanted me to stay away from her now. You wanted a piece of that ass!" He tells me and I clench my fists. I want to hit him so bad!

Clara gets up and puts herself between us.

"Luca, I am glad you are alive but this is not where you should be! You should be next to your child and his mother." She calmly tells him.

"Look who's telling me what to do... don't you dare speak to me, you who..." before he can finish his words, Clara's palm slaps him hard against his cheek.

"You have no right to speak to me like that! Yes, I may have made a mistake in the past, but that was thinking that I loved you. I never loved you, Luca! You were just dominating my thoughts,  my life and stripping  away my power of deciding what I want. Now, get out of my house and don't ever come back!" She finishes her speech with her cheeks red with anger.

Luca finally gets up and turns around to leave.

"Oh, and don't wear Gabriel's face again! I knew you weren't him from the moment I saw you" She hisses at him with her fists clenched. Luca just continues walking, until we hear the front door slamming behind him.

Clara turns around to look at me. There is fire in her eyes, but also confusion and pain. This must be hell for her. I take her hand and raise her chin to look me in the eyes.

"I love you, Clara!" The words I so feared to say just rolled off my lips like the most natural thing in the world.

"I love you too, Gabriel!"

The wicked and the brave (Book 1- Valhireya Series- Completed)Where stories live. Discover now